Published On:Monday 20 May 2013

Manmohan Singh postpones going toilet to meet Chinese Premier Li Keqiang

Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh postponed the urgent requirement to go to toilet for important meeting with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. PMO claimed that postponing the important natural work is in line with India's strategic decision to defer Indo-China dispute for indefinite time.

"Going toilet was not that important than building long-term relationship with China. Toilet can wait. I didn't want Li to be felt humiliated," said India's PM Manmohan Singh, justifying his decision on postponing his unavoidable 'potty'.

Sources said that apart from few close acquaintances in the PMO, nobody was aware of Singh's decision to skip toilet. Everybody knew the intensity of the situation and significance of Indo-China relations.

"We didn't want to spill the beans and make Li uncomfortable and waiting. China is on fast growth trajectory and it can't wait for us. We knew that the India's top man Dr. Singh has enormous patience and perseverance. He also never let us down, kept his face calm and smiling, listen every words of Chinese Premier still kept his uneasiness with himself, not allowed to disclose anything on his face. The man of real toughness," said a source in PMO's division which helps prime minister taking diplomatic decisions.

The source confirmed that currently to not to spoil relations, PM also decided to postpone talks on India China border deals and Chinese incursion last month.

"Border matter will resolve automatically with law of nature. No need to worry about that," said Manmohan Singh. He also said "For broader national interest, I can avoid 'potty' for 1000 more times."

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