Published On:Friday 3 May 2013

A Pakistani man found who never touched 'Gun' till date

In a major effort to prove that some human beings still live in Pakistan, the authorities finally identified a guy who never touched machine gun, pistol or any other weapon in his life. The success has wide significance as today only a senior prosecutor handling the 26/11 Mumbai attack case and Benazir Bhutto assassination case was shot and killed by unidentified gunmen in Islamabad.

"We undertook a nationwide search mission to find out a person who never touched any kind of weapons in his life. After a deep research, we finally found a Karachi based resident Zia Ul Haq who never handled riffle, bomb, pistol or any other weapon. Forget touching any of those weapons, we shocked when he told us that he never heard of these names," said Pakistan Interior Minister, Rehman Malik.

Pakistan was under immense pressure from international lobbies and India to show at least one animal who can be recognized as a human being. The government launched a nationwide search mission using criteria of identifying people who never touched weapons. However, only one person fit to the criteria, which was sufficient to give relief to the government.

Rehman Malik said "This is a big slap on Indian Hukumat's face which always rhetorically said in front of international community that no human beings live in Pakistan. Now with Janaab Zia Ul Haq, I believe that Indian government has got its answer."

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