Published On:Tuesday 17 September 2013

Breaking News: Rahul Gandhi promises right to free Mars trip to poor Indians

Asking poor Indians to dream big, Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi promised right to free Mars tour if the UPA Government once again gets re-elected in 2014. Rahul Gandhi was addressing a huge rally in Rajasthan.
"Congress has always fulfilled dreams of each and every dreamer by giving him more dreams. Today I promise all you poor, deprived and hungry people that if UPA comes to power in 2014, everybody will get right to fly to Mars. Yes, everyone will get this opportunity for free of cost each and every year. Congress has always delivered what it promised and not like others who only say and never execute," said Rahul Gandhi to huge following which came to listen to him.
He said "The opposition wants only about 500-1000 people to fly by airplane. That is their idea of politics. But Congress always asked you to dream big. Earlier we used to say that we would eradicate poverty. But from today we ask you to stay poor and enjoy benefits for poor that UPA government gives you. We gave right to free food, right to 100 day employment, right to earn huge bucks from your land and now we are giving you right to visit Mars and Moon every year."
Talking about the plan in detail, Rahul said "They (opposition leaders) say how you will bring money to provide free visit to Mars. But I ask them how you will bring the money. We showed you that we have successfully launched these schemes without bringing any money. Now we will launch this right to visit Mars every year without even spending a rupee from next year after elections and will prove them our execution skills again."

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