Published On:Tuesday 4 June 2013

Manmohan Singh and LK Advani decided to form new party, get rid of the annoying leadership of existing parties

India's Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and BJP Senior Leader Lal Krishna Advani finally decided to form their own party in a secret meeting. Both the senior leaders took this extreme step after leaders of their current respective parties annoyed them to the extent of saying that they would never be candidate for PM's post in the next elections.

"Both the leaders secretly met in LK Advani's house for dinner along with their trusted soul mates in the respective parties," said a source that has the direct knowledge of the development.

He said "Dr Singh came with a different get up to not to recognize him by anybody. Also few others 'petty party leaders' accompanied him. After just looking at LK Advani, Singh started crying loudly."

The source confirmed that both the leaders discussed the current situation of politics in India and leadership which is putting the question of candidature for PM on backburner for next elections.

"There should not be any question about that. I have to be announced as the Prime Minister by Madamji," said Manmohan Singh in the meeting. Dr Singh reiterated the fact that he was having experience of 9 consecutive years of staying a great puppet.

"How can she think that Rahul would take my place? I am a good puppet still today. I have all the three qualities (related to smart monkeyji) as mentioned by Mahatma Gandhiji," asked Dr Singh.

Same way, LK Advani confirmed that party has to decide on the PM candidature immediately and his name should be announced as a next PM.

"Boss, I am the most popular secular leader in BJP while these guys pushing Modi as most popular in India. What is more important, most popular leader in BJP or India?" asked LK Advani during the meeting.

He said "Today, even sundry small and fat leader is spitting over my aspiration. I am giving them a guarantee that I will give 10 years of consistent and stable government. But nobody is trying to believe me. Sucks! (Advani cleaned his wet eyes)."

The source said that LK Advani asked Manmohan Singh to stop crying and be powerful enough to form new party to answer these selfish and greedy politicians.

"We will have our new party and we will both become Prime Ministers so that no issue of selfishness would come between us," said LK Advani.

The source confirmed that in a few weeks both the leaders will announce about the formation of party. 

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