Published On:Friday 16 August 2013

Indian Government requested Rahul Gandhi to intervene in the falling Sensex and Rupee

Amid the crisis situation in the Indian stock markets, all UPA ministers reached 10 Janpath for emergency meeting with Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi today post market hours. The meeting was to request Jr. Gandhi to interfere in the falling Sensex, which lost more than 750 points today.
"We asked Rahul to do something otherwise fall in Sensex will continue forever," said Oil & Gas Minister Veerappa Moily. He told India Satire correspondent that every one chanted 'Rahul Mantra' to please him.
"However, Rahul told us that he doesn't want to interfere in the natural things. He told us that fall in markets or rupee is just a 'state of our mind' and 'self confidence' will eliminate it," said Veerappa Moily.
He told India Satire correspondent that while all the ministers were impressed with Rahul's speech they were also desperate for some moves from him.
"After they found Rahul went into silent state of mind, half of us went to Soniaji requesting her to please ask Rahul Baba give his blessings and do something before Indian economy collapse," said External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid.
He said "Even I showed her picture of falling Sensex and Rupee. And you can't imagine, I saw tears flowing out of her eyes. Such a great motherly lady!"
The sources said that Sonia Gandhi immediately requested Rahul to do something and solve India's economic crisis.
"She told Rahul Baba with wet eyes that do something otherwise humanity will stop believing in Gods," said Salman Khurshid.
"We left the house only after Rahul Baba promised us that he will catch tomorrow's market fall in his small finger as like Krishna carrying Dronagiri. He also told that he would drink poisonous slide in rupee just like what he did in his previous birth when he was God Shankar," said Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal. Sibal also told correspondent that from today onwards Rahul Baba is going to call Neelkanth Rahul Baba.

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