Published On:Friday 4 May 2012

Barack Obama feared after Pakistan Army chief Kayani asked him to face trial in Pakistan courts


Asked Democrats to increase his security, as Pakistani military can attack his house anytime

Pakistani Army chief Ashfaq Pervez Kayani threatened the US president Barack Obama and asked him to come to Pakistan to face court trials and answer to the public, as why he killed St. Osama-bin-Laden.

Cheering a huge crowd, Kayani said "Peter Bergen's latest book 'Manhunt' is correct in what saying that he asked Obama to go public. However, now as US economy is dwindling severely, I ask him to come here face trials in courts and late people decide his fate."

Ironically, Kayani said that Pakistani is an emerging country while sun is setting in America so it should not dare Pakistan in any way. "Whatever they did with Janaab Osama, we can now easily do with Obama in USA," said Kayani.

The impact was very sharp in White House, as Barack Obama demanded special security of military people which is now turned back from Afghanistan.

Sources said "Obama called FBI chief requesting him to increase his security, as any time Pakistan army can conduct a raid on the White House."

"Obama afraid of Pakistani court which gives funny and idiotic decisions," told the same source. Pakistani court which had done nothing to Osama-bin-Laden ordered the government to take his wives into custody (he he he, sorry funny n).

Obama also called a special Democrat Party meet asking all the democrats to buckle up all their fat tummies and try him to win the elections against Mitt Romney so that he would continuously get such kind of security.

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