Published On:Saturday 7 April 2012

BOOK REVIEW: ‘Mother Dairy - A tale of mother and son relationship’ by Sonia Gandhi

A leaf of India's most powerful woman's life

(Editor's note- Publisher wrongly mention Mother Dairy instead of Mother Diary, which he clarified latter after distributing 10mn copies. Next edition will carry a right name. Mother Dairy sued the publisher and the author for using its brand name.)

India's strongest woman, Sonia Gandhi finally released her long awaited book on her motherly nature, Mother Diary (no not Dairy that was a spelling mistake made by publisher), which has received huge response and next 3 editions are already booked. In the inauguration ceremony, Soniaji invited Italian Prime Minister Mario Monty who also launched the first copy of this book with a sign in golden letters.

Though, the book is not really an auto biography, it flashes adequate light on her life as housewife, mom of a son and daughter and mom of the nation's all aam-admis.

The book is thrilling to read as it was expected by many book critics. It includes high levels of emotions, drama, dramatic turns-n-twists, strong attachments and relations. The book is on power, maintaining power with stronger power and stronger power derived from stronger leaders in the Congress Party.

Soniaji has divided this book in 3 parts. First part talks about Soniaji's life when she was a housewife or mother of a son and daughter. Second part is about Soniaji's life when she became mom of the nation and groom up her son to become prime minister of the nation and third and last part is what next.

Many authors like Subramanian Swamy were interested in knowing what Soniaji was before her marriage, however, first part seriously disappoints them. Sonia starts her auto-biography after she comes to India. In the introduction para of the first part Sonia said "Italy wazzz my Janmaabhumi while India izzz my Karmaabhumi. So I am more interested in talking about my life in India."

Soniaji was very much controlled but still a bit liberated while writing this part.She tells us how she groomed up Rahul Baba as India's future prime minister.

"It was always difficult task. Raul Baba was a bit lazy and extremely sloth like slow and was little interested in doing his any of work. Even a kind of *** cleaning work too for which I had to run behind him like Yashoda runs behind Kaanha," said Soniaji "However, when he reached age 4 I told him that one day he has to become India's Prime Minister so he should clean a$$ himself and also he should eat himself."

She said "Initially, Baba was not very enthusiast about PM's posion but gradually he started becoming the most ideal prime minister candidate."

Soniaji tells us about Rahul Baba's diet.

"I always remained rigid over his diet programme, which is not changed today as well. Morning he should go ***** as a first thing. After that he should clean his hand by Dettol soap and then his own mouth by Coalgate (different coalgate, its toothbrush and toothpaste and not coal related activity) and then has to rinse his face properly. After that he takes proper a full cup Bournvita for required energy and by the time Diggyji spreads huge amount of Amul Butter on the bread for Raul Baba. Diggyji then helps him in wearing clothes and shoes. After that Raul Baba has a private tution on mannerisms of Prime Ministers which Diggyji takes. He has to attend few guest lectures of Maanmohaanji as well," Soniaji tells us total programme of Rahul Baba.

Few interesting insights in the books such as comparison between Boost and Bournvita and Mother Dairy butter and Amul butter are helpful for many housewives. Soniaji also talks about how India's junk food is unhealthy while Pizza and Burger is helpful for maintaining and gaining immense amount of power.

The book takes a big turn after initial housewife job in the second phase. Soniaji starts campaigning for PM's job, however, to sacrifice for the nation and give stable government she chooses to opt out. However, Subramanian Swamy who complained to India's president for her ineligibility said that she was totally ineligible for India's PM's job and therefore president disallow her to carry.

Soniaji thrashed all the criticisms against her.

"Whatever Subraamaanianji told is totally wrong. I am Indian and Raul Baba is also Indian," she said.
Explaining why she liked Manmohanji fit for PM's job. She said "Maanmohaanji opened Indian markets in 1990s decade for selling yummy Italian Pizza and Burger and therefore I thought he would be best to handle the duty of Pizza Man (PM)."

Talking about Diggyji, Soniaji gets emotional in the book. She said "Diggyji has the habit to do multiple activities. When he sleeps outside gate we feel very much secure. He wakes up early in the morning also help waking up Raul Baba in the morning. Gives him toothbrush, paste and towel and also guide him to go to to*let to finish and clean it off early in the morning, as his schedule is very busy throughout the day and can't get proper toilets in India.  Even I can't stay without hearing Diggyji's bhoo-bhoo. He is our favorite Doggy and we gave him the name based on our favorite colleague Diggyji who is Raul Baba's best mentor."

The book in its last part tells about the future of Rahul Baba's journey to become prime minister. Though, Soniaji is worried over Rahul Baba's marriage and future future prime ministers of India, she has high hopes from Priyanka's children.

She said "Robert is very irritating guy. I can't tolerate him for a second but I know Bianca is growing her children as future prime ministers."

Our View on the book

Overall, the book unveils some interesting parts of Sonia's life. Though, this is not her auto-biography, it tells us many things about her. This book can be used as a guide to her life. Mother Dairy is a must read for every Indian housewife and mother.

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2 comments for "BOOK REVIEW: ‘Mother Dairy - A tale of mother and son relationship’ by Sonia Gandhi"

  1. Subtle satire with tongue in cheek expressions at many places. Loved it. Guess your blog is new, please promote it well- content wise- its awesome.

    A little more grammar care please, otherwise the flow and delivery is great.

  2. Thanks Viyoma for your suggestions... I will definitely take care of those things :)

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