Published On:Tuesday 17 April 2012

After Agni-5, India will fire Mamata-1, Diggy-1 and Kapil-1 missiles to target US, Europe and Russia


Destroying capacity is much superior than Agni-5

According to sources, after testing Agni 5 the government plans to speed up the work on high-end missiles which can target more horizons on the earth (targeting US, Europe and Australia).
Sources said that under the project 'Fiery Missiles Project 1' India is developing Mamata-1, Diggy-1 and Kapil-1 while work on Jaya and Maya is stopped for as they were not supported by many UPA ministers.

Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) chief V K Saraswat confirmed the development and said "Yes we received the proposals from the government 2 months back but for the success of Agni 5 we put the development of these missiles on the back burner."

He also acknowledged that the government told him to resume the process again so that by end of the year India will test fire these missiles.

Agni-5 is 5,000 km range Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) and if it becomes successful, it will put India into an elite club of very few countries having ICBM. However, Mamata-1, Diggy-1 and Kapil-1 will cover more range than Agni-5 and therefore the government is more curious to launch them as early as possible.

"Actually, these missiles will be developed in 2 way process. First we shall make sufficient clones of Mamata didi, Diggyji and Kapil Sibalji. Second, we shall insert these clones into missile launcher along with some small RDX content. If fire these missiles would be more damaging to a nation than any kind of serious nuclear bomb attack," 
said V K Saraswat.

Saraswat said "Mamata-1 is more than enough to target any country and destroy everything. She has bomb blasting characteristic while Kapil-1 is chemical weapon which impacts genuine thinking of people. People impacted by chemically rich Kapil-1 will start making fun and mockery with themselves and this way it will reduce the power of thinking of intellectuals. Diggy 1 would cover different planets."

He denied the rumors that he was not very willing to develop series of Diggy missiles as it covers directly planet M, where friendly alien Jadoo resides.

"Why would I refuse to develop Diggy-1? It would our best innovation as it can directly target different planets," said Saraswat.

He also informed India Satire correspondent that the launch of Maya-1 is postponed indefinitely due to lack of fuel to fire it while technology and instruments for Jaya-1 is still under development.

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3 comments for "After Agni-5, India will fire Mamata-1, Diggy-1 and Kapil-1 missiles to target US, Europe and Russia"

  1. great idea..

    but instead of making clones of theme i suggest to use the real one so that at least India can survive easily..

    this must called "Make India clean Abhiyaan" ;)

  2. According to the position of India we need to make our defense more and more strong.I believe that if our defense system is strong then our amid system is smooth. As a point Agni-V is a great success to the whole nation. I personally giving thanks to all scientist and supporting team for their great devotion to their work and a success that make India pride -

  3. yeah india seriously needs to get rid of kapil uncle

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