Published On:Monday 23 April 2012

A fan of sensible Bollywood movies mistakenly heard Mahesh Bhatt retires as producer instead of director


Said thanks first then apologized for the mistake

It could have been a best day today for Rakesh Sharma as a profession wise and as frustration wise who reads newspaper first thing in the morning after toilet. The first glance of Times of India supplement on the web gave good news that Mahesh Bhatt completely retired as a director which he mistakenly understood was the producer.

As a fan of sensible movies and retirement planner Sharma tweeted immediately after viewing the headline. He tweeted thanks message to Mahesh Bhatt and along with best complements after retirement. He tweeted "Maheshji's decision will reduce stress of millions of Indians, for free retirement planning call me immediately."

However, after reading the entire news thoroughly, Sharma apologized his misunderstanding and thought that burden is nowhere to reduce in the immediate future and will have to witness a range of soft-porn, idiotic and copy paste of hollywood movies till those suck his brains completely. Though, humble and kind Mahesh Bhatt didn't react to his tweet, Rakesh Sharma immediately apologized and tweeted "sorry for misunderstanding that you are going to retire as producer, life sucks completely."

India Satire View on the story
This was an example of misunderstanding. While fan of Indian sensible movies thought Mahesh Bhatt retired as a producer, Mahesh Bhatt thought that people don't know he was retired as a director.
Few of his movies fans said that because Mahesh Bhatt retired as a director they are missing completely polished Art cinema with 100% copy from Hollywood movies. Bad luck guys!

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