Published On:Friday 21 September 2012

Truth revealed why Anna Hazare opted out of Team Anna and Arvind Kejriwal's political party

Anna Hazare claims that there is no provision of fast-unto-death in political party made him decide not to opt for that option
Finally, after a long wait social activist and strong reformer Anna Hazare revealed the real reason why he opted out of the JV with Arvind Kejriwal, so-called Team Anna.
"I pursued Arvind to make a provision for fast-unto-death in every month in the new political party. However, he always denied that. Now, it was the test of my patience which I lost and decided to opt out of the team and upcoming political party," said Anna Hazare.
He said "I like to fast. I like to announce fast every month or two. It uses to keep me fit and a bit spiritual too. If the political party's formation would not allow announcing my favorite fast-unto-death funda then what is the sense of involving in such undemocratic party."
Sources said that Arvind Kejriwal was not very much welcoming over the idea of fast-unto-death in the political party. He wanted it to keep simple as like working style of BJP and Congress.
"Yes Arvind wanted to keep it like generally other political parties operate. He thought that there is no need to announce fast if he is not government and can't make law," said close aid of Arvind Kejriwal asking his identity to keep secret.
However, sources from Anna's side said that Arvind Kejriwal was adamant over the concept of fast-unto-death after he tried that one in July for 9 days.
"Nothing to eat for 8-9 days and that too no spiritual enjoyment for him, further he is also thin so no need for application of stricter diet and therefore he straight away told Annaji don't ask to fast again even in this political party," said sources close to Anna Hazare.
However, Arvind Kejriwal denied all these allegations and told India Satire correspondent "Actually, fast is totally a democratic idea while political party based on the concepts of Congress and BJP is a semi-democratic modern way of justifying the real rationale behind any decision over the discussion dais and allowing few mediocre panelists poking the real common guys over the issues unrelated to panelists by taking and flowing out decisions which are going to impact in the non-normal ways to normal people made by abnormal people (sigh...). So our goals are same but we tend to follow some different policies. The reason was not that I am afraid of fast. But sitting fast-unto-death every month is quite abnormal way of expressing democratic ideas."
Congress kept its doors open for both the social activists after the split between Arvind Kejriwal and Anna Hazare.
"We are ready if Arvind Kejriwal come to our party or UPA by joining hands with us and taking his upcoming 20 Member of Parliaments in 2014 elections," said Congress Spokesperson Manish Tewari.
Congress Senior Leader Digvijay Singh however, said that the party was willing to invite Anna Hazare.
He said "We are unconditionally inviting Annaji to our party. We are also very much democratic and will allow him to seat on fast-unto-death whenever he wants."

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