Published On:Wednesday 14 September 2011

“Give Chidduji Nishaan-e-Pakistan,” urged Rehman Malik to Pakistan government

Pakistan Interior Minister Rehman Malik welcomed Home Minister P Chidambaram's (Chiddu uncle) remarks that India could not blame Pakistan for all terror attacks on Indian soil and asked Pakistan government to give him Pakistan's highest civilian award "Nishaan-e-Pakistan".

"He is the best person who tries to bring peace and harmony in India against the war of terrorism. We always told big brother America that India is the source of all terrorism particularly Saffron terrorism which now the country's home minister himself has recognized. It is better not to blame each other without evidence," Malik said during an interaction with reporters outside parliament.

He said "For so many years I have got fed up of listening that 26/11 Mumbai Terror Attack was done by Pakistanis while there was no concrete evidence provided by India. Now as Miyaan Chidduji himself said that don't blame Pakistan we feel we should also close the file of Mumbai Terror Attack."
During an interview with BBC, Chidduji indicated that a recent bomb blast at the Delhi high court could have been carried out by home-grown militant groups.

"We can no longer point to cross-border terrorism as a source of terror attacks in India. We have enough of terrorists here in India. We have many colored terrorists such as saffron color, green color, blue collar, white collar and red color. I think red color is worst while Diggyji thinks saffron color terrorism is worst while BJP thinks green color terrorism is worst. So many colors we have even in terrorism. India is diverse, plural country in terrorism as well," Chidambaram was quoted as saying.

Illyas Kashmiri promoted and founded, Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami's spokesperson said "Nawaab Chidduji gave a real tribute to our hero Janaab Illyas. Earlier his friend Mr. Diggy also gave great honor to our Osama-bin-Laden. We really want to give our highest award "Sharbat-e-ul-Aman" for peace making process to Nawaab Chidduji and Janaab Diggyji. We have already sent a proposal to our beloved Farishta Ahmad Shuja Pashaji (Director General of ISI) to consider these awards for Chidduji and Diggyji."

"Our major intention to spread peace across the world and to rescue Kashmiris," said the spokesperson. "We now feel that all our efforts of peace making process has paid off which include sending Peace Pigeons to Delhi and Mumbai. Thanks to Nawaab Chidduji," said Indian Mujahideen's mouthpiece with an emotional voice. "Our ambition is to become as big as NGOs like Al Qaeda dedicated towards spreading peace and harmony to the world," said the spokesperson.

Chidambaram said though the HuJI had claimed responsibility for the attack, the group had been inactive in India for a while.

He further said two other recent terror attacks in Pune and Mumbai were believed to have been carried out by "Indian modules or India-based modules". Sources said that Diggy Chacha is planning a fresh attack on RSS based on Chiddu uncle's statement that attacks were Indian modules or India-based modules.
Earlier, two honorable Indians received highest awards such as Nishaan-e-Pakistan and Nishaan-e-Imtiaz.

Morarji Desai:
The details why Morarji Desai received the award were not yet disclosed. But some historical references could be helpful. Morarji Desai had described the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW), India's external intelligence agency, as the praetorian guard of Indira Gandhi and had promised to stop all activities of the R&AW after becoming prime minister. He closed down much of the agency, and reduced its budget and operations. B. Raman, the former head of the Counter-Terrorism Division of R&AW and noted security analyst, reveals that, in an unguarded moment, Morarji Desai indiscreetly told Pakistan's Chief Martial Law Administrator General Zia ul - Haq that his government was well aware of Pakistan's nuclear development.

Dilip Kumar:
The award was given to Dilip Kumar for the humane activities to which he had dedicated himself. He had worked for the poor; he had worked for many years to bridge the cultural and communal gaps between India and Pakistan. The above reason was maintained by Dilip Kumar himself.

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