Published On:Friday 2 September 2011

“Where am I, in jail or in hell,” Suresh Kalmadi says

Furious of all, a person with no brain still able to use his brain (scientists are researching), Diggy Chacha's beloved brother and guest of honour in Tihar Jail, Suresh Kalmadi in an exclusive interview with DCFC reporter said "Where am I, in jail or in hell? Nobody is talking about me nobody is asking for my bail. I would like to understand from government what its stand is regarding me."

"The government has done a wrong thing by accepting Annaji's demands. He was sheer blackmailing the government. Now it's my time to come forward and do fast for innocent people like I am," Suresh Bhaai said.

Following are the excerpts of the interview

DCFC Reporter (DR): What is your view about Anna Hazare's fast and what do you feel about Government's stand?

Suresh Bhai (SB): What was that fast for? It was for few innocent people who have ambitions to improve their social status their lifestyle. Anna is an anti-social element. Recently, Diggy said that I along with Kaniji and Rajaji (no not Govinda, he is Tamil hero look a like face) are innocent based on the same fact. It was all drama to attract public attention.

DR: Ok so you are not in favor of Jan Lokpal Bill.

SB: No, I am not at all in favor of such a kind of stupid bill. It is against basic human rights of bureaucrat and minister.

DR: Recently Pronobda said that it was government's mistake to dump Annaji in Tihar jail as they thought all Indian people will forget as like Suresh Bhai, Rajaji, Kaniji and many corporate dumped in the jail. Do you think Tihar Jail has become a dumping ground for government?

SB: (Cleared his throat) Yea I understand that now government has changed, drastically. Earlier, people like us had quite good amount of respect. They used to think we have creative brain which thinks beyond the boundaries of any scam or scandal. Now a day they think that our brains are trash and will send to various research organizations to study.

DR: So what will be your stand, going forward, as people seem like to forget you these days?

SB: I wanted to ask only one question to government "Where am I, in jail or in hell?" Earlier they used to take some efforts so that we innocent people could get bail. But now we are totally ignored. No statement from them. Every day, I read news paper and no where I am maintained. I am seriously considering for fast-unto-death for approval of my bail plea.

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