Published On:Saturday 9 July 2011

Diggy Chacha exposes link between BJP and BSP in Uttar Pradesh

Congress general secretary Digvijay Singh (Diggy Chacha) claimed that there was a tacit understanding between the BJP and the BSP in Uttar Pradesh. This interesting claim came after reporters asked Chacha’s views on Rahul Gandhi’s (Rahul Baba) padyatra. However, Chacha has not yet maintained on which context he was talking about. As Chacha’s fans we are confused, however Congress insiders said with an anonymity these are very intelligent remarks from Chacha and these remarks will definitely restrict Muslim votes to move towards BSP in upcoming elections. They further said Congress President Madam Soniaji will be happy.

“The two parties always had a tacit understanding in Uttar Pradesh,” Diggy Chacha told reporters in Bhopal. Interesting thing is Chacha understood the link between BJP and BSP based on resemblance in the remarks of both the parties that Rahul Gandhi’s ‘padayatra’ in UP as a political drama.

Diggy Chacha also clarified on the event of arrest of a man carrying pistol who was trying to move close to Rahul during his padayatra, Singh said the Special Protection Group was looking into the matter.

Chacha was furious when reporters asked him about religious leader Asaram Bapu’s alleged remark that Congress president Sonia Gandhi should be asked to leave India, he said he would not remain quiet if such statements continued. We understood from sources that Chacha is trying to find out Bapu’s links with RSS and VHP.

Continuing his search for clean and clear air in Madhya Pradesh, Diggy Chaha (Digvijay Singh) demanded an inquiry into the alleged blackmoney amassed by Madhya Pradesh Ministers. Crores of rupees are found in raids at the residences of government officers which indicates the level of corruption in the state, he added.

About his mission for full secularism in India, Diggy Chacha said though the BJP talked of looking after the interests of Muslims, its government in Madhya Pradesh was not keen on implementing the Sachar Committee recommendations.

“If the BJP is serious about Muslims, it should implement the Sachar Committee report,” he said.

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Amazon Books on Indian Politics
India After Gandhi: The History of the World's Largest Democracy
In Spite of the Gods: The Rise of Modern India
India's Politics: A View from the Backbench
Comparing Asian Politics: India, China, and Japan
The Politics of India since Independence (The New Cambridge History of India)

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