Published On:Tuesday 19 July 2011

No takers for Diggy Chacha’s finding in Congress

Most intellectual leader in the world and founder of theory “Not so Guilty though culprits” Digvijay Singh (Diggy Chacha) is marching ahead as a lone warrior with no support from Team Congress. However, blessing of Madamji and well wishes of Rahul Baba increases the energy to talk to more talk. Diggy Chacha, the most imitated political leader in Team Congress, still nobody accepts his great contribution to the party though everybody would like to taste fruits. DCFC salutes Diggy Chacha for his contribution to world and Team Congress. 

DCFC felt that this highly emotional and tearful introductory para was required as nobody in Congress clearly admits Diggy Chacha’s statement was correct or true. Diggy Chacha’s supporter said Diggy Chacha is nervous as the sole warrior (others are copy paste warriors) from Congress has to take a backseat. The supporter who requested anonymity was very furious on the treatment from Congress spokesperson and said he condemned. He further said while Diggy Chacha is fighting opposition on all fronts by taking support of his own private intelligence bureau (DCPIB), Congress leaders have to support him. He said Diggy Chacha is alone tackling serious issues like corruption, Mayawati, Rahul Baba, UP elections, Pune Municipal Corporation elections, Anna Hazare, Muslims, lower castes, farmers, land acquisitions, Suresh Kalmadi, Ashok Chavan and many more. For last 2-3 days BJP and RSS extremists are consistently attacking Diggy Chacha but no Congress leader has announced his support.  

The supporter said that Manish Tewari who had gone through a rigorous personality development course from Diggy Chacha is ignoring his statement is very unfortunate. Manish Tewari said, “It would be better if you ask him (Diggy Chacha).” Statement cleared the idea that Congress party does not buy Diggy Chacha’s remarks on the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS), which he accused of making bombs and, possibly, being involved in last week's explosions in Mumbai.

However, Mr. Tewari also showed that Diggy Chacha’s statement was out of some context. He recalled Samjauta Express tragedy in 2007 for which Hindu terror groups have been held responsible. “I would definitely like to underscore that the Samjhauta Express is a case in point where the involvement of certain individuals and certain organisations which have upward linkages have now been established through the investigative process.” We asked Diggy Chacha supporter who said that these small excuses do not help. We know that some people in Team Congress are jealous about Madamji and Rahul Baba’s trust over Diggy Chacha.”

The above stand is crucial if we look at RSS’s statement over Diggy Chacha’s remarks and proves the same thing. DCPIB would certainly like to investigate that how RSS knew that nobody takes Diggy Chacha seriously in Congress. We show the statements of RSS leader Ram Madhav.
"We pity the situation a senior leader like Digvijay Singh finds himself in.... he has started acting like a street bully. We pity him," RSS leader Ram Madhav said here while reacting to the alleged confrontation involving Singh and his supporters and BJP activists in Ujjain yesterday.

He said the senior Congress leader is "now seen on the streets along with some unknown, apparently anti-social elements.

"He has already acquired notoriety for his hobnobbing with jehadi elements and support for the most corrupt people," Madhav alleged.

"Neither his party nor the government takes it seriously. Therefore, there is no reason for us to take his remarks seriously," Madhav said.

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