Published On:Friday 15 June 2012

After President, Pranab is declared as 'immortal soul'

Mata Sonia Gandhi showered her blessings and gifted tickets of world tour and passes of different planets
With blessings of Mata Sonia Gandhi, despite the anger of behen Mamata Didi, Pranab Mukherjee is finally on the seat of President. With the post of President of India, Mata also showered her blessings on Pranabda and declared him as an immortal soul. Such degree, Mataji gave to Pratibha Aunty Patil when she first became President and travelled through-out world and different planets. Pratibha Patil confirmed that she also measured different dimensions of various planets which will be useful for NASA's research.

"It wash pleashore that Madomji give me shush honour. I will ushe all the travol ticket and passhesh of all the planetsh. Thank you madomji, thank you Mataji," said happy Pranabda.
NASA congratulated for Pranabda's selection and told Soniaji that the research agency expected Pranabda to do great work on its theory inter-planetary dimensions and will also move to different horizons.
NASA Chief Engineer Michael Ryschewitsch said "We congratulate Sonia for her great selection of the guy who will be going to travel throughout different planets. We have many plans for him. First we are happy to offer him free tickets of NASA's history-making Space X capsule. We are also planning a Sun voyage for him. As he is an immortal soul now we expect best things to deliver by him on Sun."

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