Pronobda, in spite of his busy schedule took some time to talk about inflation

Posted by Diggy Chacha | Thursday 29 September 2011 | Posted in

Pronobda is busiest government servant these days. He is working more than any bureaucrat in the country encouraging all his other parliamentary members to work hard. Keeping his one eye on 2G issue, another on Anna Hazare and Lokpal, 3rd on Indian economy, 4th on Subbarao, 5th on Barack Obama and finally 6th on inflation (please don't ask where 4 eyes on the body of Pronobda are located, it is totally irrelevant) is very difficult but still he manages successfully.

Recently, he is tackling serious issue like dumping P Chidambaram (Chiddu uncle) in a first instance and again giving him some value (valued colleague) in second instance. However, DCFC reporter thought whether he forgot about inflation which is a secondary issue for the country and Indian government and just asked him about his view on weekly food inflation which rose from 8.84% to 9.13%. It was a shocking result for DCFC reporter. Pronobda was aware about a small change in the inflation but showed it as shock to him. "Hou did that inflasion daresh to incorease in shpoite of moy restriczionsh?" he asked DCFC reporter. "I had ossigned the work to Shubbada to reshtrict the inflashionary preshoure bot he ish failed to do sho. This ish an area of grave concern that Shubbada wosh not abole to restrict it," he showed his anger about the situation.

When DCFC tried to ask him more about the situation, he said "Wot the heck... I have many things to do. I am not loike Chiddu to handle nothing. (chuckling) My woife alsho ashsks mee.. hou do I manage sho many worksh."
He said "Lost toime do you remembor whot did I tell you. I told you that inflashon will nou modorate graduolly as Barock Obama will redush commodity prishes as he hash to approach to elecshons. Sho don't wory about inflashon. Till dat toime Shubbada will raish intorest rates."

Pronobda sacks garbage collector of his office to leak 2G note

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

India's problem solver as like Uday Chopra in Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai (faces also resembles each other) Pranab Mukherjee (Pronobda) had taken a major step today to end the controversy of 2G note. He sacked his office's garbage collector Mr. Ramdev Chacha.

Sources said that Ramdev Chacha was a reason for the embarassment for Pronobda regarding 2G note. Pronobda threw a 2G working note in a dustbin which incidently supplied to Prime Minister's office in a soft-copy form. The note was released by frustrated and that time angered Pronobda over P (P does not mean polished though he behaves and looks like) Chidambaram (Chiddu uncle) due to some unknown reasons. Sources said Pronobda was not very happy in taking the messy finance ministry and leaving lucrative foreign ministry to SM Krishna. SM Krishna is the same lucky guy who recently met Pakistan's Hina Rabbani Khar. It resulted in an anger over Chiddu uncle and therefore he wrote a sketchy note. However, when he cooled down as like India's industrial production growth is cooling down he threw that note in his dustbin for garbage. Ramdev Chacha saw Pronobda throwing the note and took advantage and scanned the letter and sent it from Pronobda's office to PMO.

"Nobody knows who is behind Ramdev Chacha. Diggy Chacha believes it must be RSS which used Ramdev Chacha for bugging in Pronobda's office," said a Ashok Pandey, Clerk of Pronobda's office.

Pronobda confirmed the situation. He said "Hou mosh embaroshment I faced you don't know. Moy woife, Madamji no body wonted to tok to me. Evon Diggy storted kidding me. I told Romdev to leave the hoffice immediately. My frasttrashan was reflected thru shtock morket decline. Evon Shubba wosh ashking me to increash intorest rates to show his angor."

Ramdev Chacha said "Hamka kaauno baat malum naahi hai (I don't know anything). Ham anpadh aur ganwaar aadmi kyaa kar sakat hai?  (What an illiterate man like me can do?) Hamka India ke law aur Constitution pe puraa bharosaa hai aur hum ladoonga apne hak ke liye anshan bhi karunga (I believe in India's legal and constitutional process and for my right I will fight and prepare for Anna like fast). Unhone hamkaa pension bhi naahi offer kiya (He didn't offer me pension either). Ham Rahul Baba ke paas jaaunga wo aam aadmi ke akele netaa hai (I will go to Rahul Baba who is only common man's icon in India)."

One senior BJP leader said "Pronobda is trying to hide behind a common man. We wholeheartedly support Ramdev Chacha in his fight."

Rahul Baba's interesting interaction with students of Kashmir University

Posted by Diggy Chacha | Wednesday 28 September 2011 | Posted in

India's only youth icon and most eligible candidate for Prime Minister Rahul Gandhi (Rahul Baba) was addressing around 1000 Kashmir University students. Though, somewhat boring and painful speech that students had to go through, Rahul Baba still able to manage to show that he was a real youth icon of India. Please read the transcript of speech below and Q&A session thereafter speech for Kashmiri Students

"I am the icon of farmers in India and I am the only savior of the all farmers. I have studied in my school and college and I am graduate. However, the pain that somebody has to go through in cultivating land and losing his own land is tremendous that I can understand as I was getting into some land acquisition programme through My Papa's Trust.  I am also recommended as a savior for India's aam aadmi and students and I also gave them a lot of speeches which will help them able to understand the policies that I wanted to formulate. I was also recommended for Dalit people of your state. I know that you all understand that Mayawati raj is a real British raj and you strive to get out of it. My whole family was elected in Uttar Pradesh as you people must be aware. So the pain and the suffering you are getting from Mayawati is my suffering as well.

Oh I am sorry it was speech written for Allahabad University students," said Rahul Baba started staring rudely at his personal secretary who showed his dumb face as he didn't know that there was any such kind of mistake that happened. He stood up behind Baba and showed him correct page prepared of Kashmiri students and told in his ears "That is why I told you Diggy Chacha's message that mug up everything." Rahul Baba said "Ok."

Corrected Speech for Kashmiri Students

"I am the real youth icon of India and I am the only savior of the all youth people. I have studied in my school and college and I am graduate. However, the pain that somebody has to go through passing the exams is tremendous that I can understand as I was also getting difficult to pass out from my college. However, still I able to complete graduation. I am also recommended as a savior for India's aam aadmi and farmers and I also gave them a lot of speeches which will help them able to understand the policies that I wanted to formulate. I was also recommended for Dalit people of your state. I know that you all understand that Mayawati raj is a real British raj and you strive to get out of it. I am a Kashmiri as a lot of you people must be aware. So the pain and the suffering of this place is my suffering as well.

When I was 14, I was sitting in class inattentive when a lady walked to be and said there was a call. I received the call and told that my grandmother (Indira Gandhi) had been shot dead. Few years later my father (Rajiv Gandhi) was also killed.

People who have suffered because of violence can understand the pain of violence. Therefore, I forced government and 99% terrorism is already under control. We are finding ways to control 100% terrorism
Our non-violence policies helped Afzal Guruji to stay harmless in Tihar jail. We also believe that Azaml Saab is spending good time in Mumbai jail. We can win hearts of all terrorists by offering them love.

Now you can ask me questions whatever you want."

Question 1 Sir, Kashmiris are facing huge problems due to military of India. What is your view Sir?
How can we tackle the problem?

Rahul Baba: You asked me a very nice question. See, I believe that 99% of the problem is already solved we are in the process of solving 1% more which in my view is very important. Further, I am a Kashmiri as a lot of you people must be aware. So the pain and the suffering of this place is my suffering as well.

Question 2 But Sir, aam aadmi also faces huge amount of insecurity. What are the steps you are taking?

Rahul Baba: See government had taken a radical steps over last 7-8 years which Kashmir didn't witness over last 60 years. Therefore, I think government is trying to stop the military led violence. But it takes some time some process related some normal.

Question 3 But Sir, death toll is also increasing here.

Rahul Baba: (cutting his statement) See I lost my mother and father due to violence therefore I think answers can't be solved through violence. People who have suffered because of violence can understand the pain of violence.

Question 4 What about job opportunities? MNCs don't come to Kashmir.

Rahul Baba: MNCs had some minimum basic requirements which required to be fulfilled but as far as other business houses are concerned, there was a need for having a congenial atmosphere for their functioning.

Question 5: Who will create congenial atmosphere, government or people?

Rahul Baba: See that is a sensitive issue and I feel proper not to reply the question.

Question 6: what about the existing businessmen in India?

Rahul Baba: I will send a delegation of young businessman. My responsibility is to send them to you and your responsibility is to convince them how they could set up their business in the valley as I lack marketing skills.

“Diggy Chacha, who is Afzal Guru?” asks Rahul Baba

Posted by Diggy Chacha | Tuesday 27 September 2011 | Posted in

"Diggy Chacha, everybody was asking me about Afzal Guru in Kashmir. Who is he? Is he related to Gandhian theory or is he another youth icon here? I kept my mouth shut as I didn't want any embarrassment for me, myself and mummy. So please enlighten me who is Afzal Guru sahib so that I can talk in media about him," India's only youth icon and future prime minister Rahul Gandhi innocently asked his guru (though he humbly denies it) Digvijay Singh (Diggy Chacha) on phone.

"Rahul Baba, how many times I told you that please read few news papers so that at least you can avoid this kind of embarrassment. And for god sake please don't call Afzal Guru as Afzal Guru sahib to avoid problems created after I called Osama as Osamaji in front of media. Yea but there in public when press reporters would not be there you can always call Afzal Guru as Afzal Guru sahib. Further, if they ask tell them for the sake of youth in Kashmir you will definitely ask Soniaji to save him," Diggy Chacha said.

"But Diggy Chacha I make lot of commitments but nobody in our cabinet fulfils them," Rahul Baba complained. "Baba this is an important lesson to you. You make n number of commitments but you can also tell them that there is procedural requirement and it is a time consuming process so that it takes some time. And for god sake Afzal Guru is not a youth icon or aam admi so keep your words limited just maximum you can tell them that "I See, I will talk to mummy". Please mug up this," Diggy Chacha completed his statement and put down the phone.

“Baba Ramdev is a thug and will always remain one,” Diggy Chacha

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

Baba Ramdev is getting difficult to claim a seat in Diggy Chacha's esteemed list of innocent people. Digvijay Singh (Diggy Chacha) is not just India's but earth's pride as it is carrying the weight of such a great highly intelligent person on its back who is a jealousy for planet P (where aliens like Jadoo stays). Neighbours envy Owner's pride.

So Diggy Chacha again thrashed Baba Ramdev's claims that he is an innocent and good guy with no links to terror organizations such as RSS. Talking to media persons in Jabalpur, Chacha said "Ramdev was a thug and will always remain a thug."

"He (Ramdev) is duping people in the name of teaching yoga," he said. "His speech is as fake as Rakhi Sawant's smile. If she said that she would like to marry Baba Ramdev and cause losing his virginity, then I am not really surprised; they are made for each other," DCFC reporter found Diggy Chacha saying in private as he wanted to avoid any controversy against dangerous weapon called "Rakhi Sawant".

Earlier in the day, Ramdev, during his Bharat Swabhiman Yatra in Hamirpur, targeted Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the 2G scam and said that he should be jailed.

Accusing UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi of trying to shield P Chidambaram, Ramdev said the Home Minister should also be put behind bars for helping A Raja in the 2G scandal.

"It is difficult to claim place in the esteemed list of Diggy Chacha's innocent people," said a close associate to Diggy Chacha. "He is very choosy about it and after a thorough research he includes somebody in the list," associate added. Last inclusion in the list was P Chidambaram (Chiddu uncle).

"Nobody made such a list of innocent people till date. We found list of 25 terrorists from India but for innocent people nobody is included," political expert said without disclosing his name. He said "Suresh Kalmadi, Ashok Chavan, A Raja, Kanimozhi, Osamaji, Amar Singh and Chiddu uncle, names are few." "We think Baba Ramdev has to be arrested once to gain a place in the list," observed expert.

Arabs on the streets to protest against draconian law of Keralites

Posted by Diggy Chacha | Monday 26 September 2011 | Posted in

All rich Arabs in Gulf countries came on the streets to oppose the draconian Kerala Women's Code Bill 2011 that Kerala government wants to pass. "Wallah, this law is a disaster for our future generations. They will suffer from the work-a-holic diseases, which were restricted to developing and developed nations. We pray to Allah not to allow Kerala government to pass the law," said Prince of Saudi Arabia, Sultan bin Abdul Aziz.

Under Kerala Women's Code Bill 2011, a person can be imprisoned for impregnating his own wife. Worst, he could be branded as a `legally disqualified person'. "How stupid is this law? This is totally against humanity and against possibilities to bridge the gap between Kerala and Gulf region," said Abdul-bin-Hamid a columnist of leading news paper in Dubai.

"Allah knows it all, how much Mallus supported our generations to live life large. Our generations have hardly required doing any work since Mallus started living in our countries. Now, suddenly Kerala government is asking them to stop feeding Gulf regions. This is totally against our fundamental rights to stay healthy with no work," said one old age person with tearful eyes.

The Commission on Rights and Welfare of Women and Children feels that nothing lesser than a fine of Rs10,000 or three months simple' imprisonment deserves to be slapped on the expectant father of a third child. The recommendation is part of the measures intended to encourage population planning for well-being and children's development.

The Kerala Women's Code Bill 2011 maintains that violation of family norms will be deemed a legal disqualification and parents will not be eligible to receive any benefits from government. It insists on that religious and political outfits should not be allowed to discourage population planning and any such effort on their part should be censured by the governor.

The report reads, "No person or institution shall use religion, region, sect, cast, cult or other ulterior inducements for the bearing of more children".

"Mallus were the symbol of secularism for the Gulf countries. The data of the total number of Mallus was always slapped on the face of United Nations to show that how much we are secular and every religion was living peacefully in our country," said Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, King of Saudi Arabia.  

As of 2008, the Gulf countries altogether have a Keralite population of more than 2.5mn, who send home annually a sum of $6.81bn, which is more than 15.13% of the total Remittance to India in 2008.

One Matrimonial site expert said "The bill will affect the matrimonial industry as Keralites brides look for Gulf migrants."

He added "Gulf migrants were highly sought after as bridegrooms. Their attractive earnings, irrespective of their shortcomings, enabled them to marry into wealthy and respected families."

Kerala government official said "We received a request letter signed by Gulf countries officials but till now we have not decided anything on it. Discussions are going on. Further, Mallus have already received lakhs of crores from Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple, so we are not really worried of losing anything in Gulf region."

Manmohanji plans special screening of Bbuddah hoga tera baap on his birthday

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

After a big stressful year, India's beloved PM Manmohan Singh (Manji) planned to spend whole day with his wife Gursharanji.

Early morning he got a call from Madamji making him feel like he is in seventh heaven. "Thank you Madamji. Yea I will tell same way. Oh no Madamji, today please grant me a one day holiday. I promised Gursharanji to spend entire day with her. Yea thank you Madamji I will tell the same way to media. Thanks for a leave," Manmohanji switched off his phone with a happy face.

"Gurji, today I got one day off. Now do you feel happy. I proved your importance in front of Madamji," Manmohanji said. Gursharanji admired his efforts. A phone bell rang again. "Nomoste Mon Mohonji. Happy bothday. I wonted you to meet me today discossing on Roja and Chidduji. I found a horrible infomation that bog is not with my hoffice but it wos in your hoffice," said Pronobda.

"Pronobda, I understand that and thanks for your wishes. Today, actually I am booked by my wife Gurusharanji and also I took permission for leave from Madamji," said Manji in helpless voice.

"Orey boba, oak oak foine foine... Bot baba, please tell Goroshoronji not to tell my woife Survaji that you aosked for a leave from Madamji to spend entire day with your woife for your borthaday. I will spend entire day with Roja in Tihor Jail but it will be difficolt to stay at home. Boy the way, you aore very coarageous to spend wone entoir day. Ha ha ha..." Pronobda put down the phone. Manji's face become worried and concerned after thinking about his entire day. "Sushmaji was better in criticising..." one thought touched his mind.

"Manji so what is our schedule for today," Gurusharanji asked Manji.

"I had not discussed that with Madamji," Manji gently answered "I call her and ask what should be my schedule." That fueled anger in Gurusharanji complaining how she became nowhere in his life in his term of Prime ministership.

Intelligently handling the situation, Manji told "Arey Guruji, I was just joking." That kept Gursharanji quite. "We shall eat American pastries tonight and I will never discuss about politicians and Madamji for entire day," said Manji making his wife happy. "We shall discuss our best old days and will see some old pictures of us," he added.

After looking at his own winning smile in front of a mirror he thought to recreate some power and energies to answer Diggy's never ending comments that he became an old age person. Manji called his secretary and asked him to arrange special screening of Bbuddah... Hoga Terra Baap and Cheeni Kum.

Chiddu feels Diggy’s support useless

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

Always conscious about his mannerism and intellectual status as like his white color dhoti, India's home minister P Chidambaram (Chiddu uncle) feels universe' most intelligent creature Digvijay Singh's (Diggy Chacha) support worthless. "He gives support to all useless and worthless people on the street. I don't require his support," talking to DCFC reporter in private Chiddu uncle expressed his views.

"See his track record, sheer hopeless. He supported Amar Singh, Suresh Kalmadi, A Raja, Ashok Chavan, Kanimojhi, Osamaji, etc. Now how can he take me into the same list? I am something special and required support from special people," said Chiddu uncle.

Diggy Chacha earlier said "Chidambaram is a man of integrity, a man of competence and scapegoat made by RSS." A supporter of Chiddu uncle said "Diggyji earlier called him intellectually arrogant and that made him feel hurt."

The supporter added "also he used same hopeless comment called RSS is behind the controversy made Chidduji more annoying."

Emergency conference call of Congress intellectuals on the issues raised by Pronobda and Chiddu

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

Marred with bugs of his office, Pranab Mukherjee, Government's crisis manager called an emergency conference call with the intellectuals of Congress. DCFC received the copy of the concall transcript which helps us understand what decisions had been made in the conference call.

Players in the conference call (concall)

Manmohan Singh (Manji): Prime Minister, Soniaji's (Madamji) most trusted representative in the government

Pranab Mukherjee (Pronobda): Finance Minister, many bugs are diverted to his office; disaster controller

P Chidambaram (Chiddu uncle): Home Minister, bugs are generally diverted from his office

Digvijay Singh (Diggy Chacha): Strategist, expert in managing media, RSS, BJP, hindus, muslims, SCs, STs, Mayawati, Anna Hazare, Arvind Kejriwal, Suresh Kalmadi, and most important Rahul Baba etc., adviser to Madamji

Salman Khursheed (Salman Bhaai): Law Minister and upcoming crisis manager for the government

Rahul Gandhi (Rahul Baba): India's only youth icon, most desirable and future prime minister

Chiddu uncle: I don't want to accompany to Raja in Tihar jail. Yesterday, he sent me a letter asking me to join his conference on "improving ways of life in Tihar Jail". I was planning to go to Tirupati and thought to donate my hair to Balaji. However, it didn't help Yeddy Appa in Karnataka so I canceled that plan.

Salman Bhaai: Don't worry Chiddu we shall not let you to go to Tihar jail. According to law in Tobago, active minister should not be put into jail. I will ask Sibal to break his shut-the-mouth fast and discuss about the issue with Tobago's judiciary. Further, I will ask Delhi Police Commissioner to stop your arrest to avoid any public demonstration which will be at a larger scale than Anna Hazare. I know you have got much bigger support.

Pronobda: Forst of oll, tell me Chiddu who is bogging my hoffice. This not sho done; I woant reploy from you. Whoy avery toime moy mails and hoffice got boagged. Tomoarrow, anybody will bog moy hause also. There is no intornol security in this contry. My roshogullah, Surva was asking me whot Chiddu is doing besoide making b…s… statements on RSS, maoist and terrorists.

Diggy Chacha: I feel RSS is behind all this non-sense. I would like to blame everything on RSS. Chidduji is intellectually arrogant but innocent also. Pronobji, why don't you appoint Mamta as your internal security chief? Or now you can also ask Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee as your security chief, he is on a temporary retirement these days.

Salman Khurshid: Diggyji stop b…s….ing. We are not media to divert the saga. Today, Pranabda was bugged tomorrow who knows my number will come.

Pronobda: No no. I strongly object ogainst PMO that it leaked moy precious lettor to PMji.

Manji: Pranabda I can understand your feelings. I will convey the message to Madamji and I believe she will direct us to proper path. Now we shall discuss how to save India from European debt crisis.

Chiddu uncle: Pranabda, my issue is more serious than yours. I don't want a holiday with Raja I am happy with my family. And please Manji forget Europe discuss about me.

Salman Bhaai: I think we should opt for Court reforms to get bail easily and innocent ministers should not suffer by staying in Tihar jail.

Diggy Chacha: I feel RSS is behind all this non-sense. I would like to blame everything on RSS. Chiddu is innocent like Suresh Kalmadi.

Salman Bhaai (irritated voice): What Diggyji you keep quiet. We are serious here.

Manji: I suggest all you to discuss with Madamji and then we shall work as she direct. What do you think Baba?

Rahul Baba: I think we should adopt typical strategy before mummy answer on the issue. Chacha, you blame it on RSS for 2G controversy. Pronobda, you tell reporters "No comments" in a stern voice. Salman uncle, you ask for court reforms and divert the topic to African legislation in the eyes of Japanese reformists and Manji, as usual you say you are not a part of it.  

Everybody appreciated Rahul Baba's voice and wishes best luck for his journey to India's strongest and powerful seat and switched off the phones and the issue was submitted to Madamji to take final decision.

IDEA Cellular plans defamation case against Diggy Chacha

Posted by Diggy Chacha | Thursday 22 September 2011 | Posted in

In a negative development for Diggy Chacha, IDEA Cellular plans for a defamation case against Diggy Chacha as he used the company's tagline "What an idea Sirji!"

Earlier Diggy Chacha said on a public social networking platform "Anna to go to (g-t-g) Pakistan! Wow! What an idea Sirji. They need him more than us! Who would run his campaign there? Any one from RSS? Indreshji?,"

When DCFC reporter called IDEA's spokesperson he confirmed the development. The spokesperson said "It was a copyrighted material. He can't steal it from us without permission. We want compensation from Diggyji. Further, it's we who will decide who should promote IDEA advertisement and we already have contract with Abhishek Bachchan (only IDEA ad fame AB Baby). And we would never like to promote an ad by Diggyji kind of people otherwise our rising popularity will start going down. Even AB Baby is quite depressed as he afraid that people will start comparing him with Diggyji after that statement. He is fine that if people compare him with Uday Chopra (yesteryear actor) but Diggyji should not be used for the comparison."
DCFC reporter tried to contact Diggy Chacha, however, he remained unavailable as he was busy in UP elections.

Twitter CEO, Dick Costolo glads that Diggy uses twitter as his platform to communicate

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

Pleased by two tweets of world famous and most intelligent and advanced creature of universe, Digvijay Singh (Diggy Chacha), Twitter CEO Dick Costolo held a press briefing at Twitter HQ this morning. "Diggy has completely astonished us by sending 2 tweets like two bombs. We have a serious proud feeling that he used Twitter as his weapon launcher. The popularity of twitter went sky highs now. We added 30mn new subscribers in a day and we expect we shall add 200mn users during the current year (twitter added 200mn users last time in over a period of 5 years).

Dick Costolo was responding to the response that recently twitter got from a numerous users after Diggy Chacha sent two tweets. Diggy Chacha in his tweet briefing, where nobody asks question or no need to give answer tweeted "Busy time for RSS! Have to organise three Yatras on corruption. Advaniji's, Anna's and Baba Ramdev's. Best wishes to them," and "Anna to go to (g-t-g) Pakistan! Wow! What an idea Sirji. They need him more than us! Who would run his campaign there? Any one from RSS? Indreshji?," he wrote. Dick mentioned "Both the tweets depicted the sense-o-humour of Diggy Chaochao. We are astonished. People came back again and again to read the tweets across the globe. They are very interesting."

Sources closed to development said that Dick is planning to prepone the IPO as well. "There is no worry for the IPOs success. We shall launch it in India and we firmly believe that we shall get humongous success and value in India. Diggy's name is sufficient here," said Evan Williams, Director of Twitter. He added "In the current global slowdown scenario earlier we deferred the IPO but now we are seriously considering it. We also believe that India will give us much better valuation than US as it supports Diggy Chaochao in a big way."

"We believe that Diggy will be the most followed user in twitter breaking all the records of Sachin Tendulkar," Dick Costolo said. "We also plan to increase the capacity of our servers to accommodate such a huge response all over the world," he added.

Diggy Chacha advises Rahul Baba wearing Gandhi topi

Posted by Diggy Chacha | Wednesday 21 September 2011 | Posted in

DCFC reporter understood from some known sources that the most intelligent person in the universe, Digvijay Singh (Diggy Chacha) advised Rahul Gandhi (Rahul Baba) to wear Gandhi topi with quotes "I am Rahul Baba - a youth icon" and "I am Rahul Baba - India's future prime minister."

A source familiar to the development said "Rahul Baba is already a youth icon plus he is spreading Congress to aam aadmi very rapidly. He already covered almost all the North Indian states in his expansion plans for Congress now he is planning for eastern states of India." He added "Diggyji's plea is related to all these developments only. He feels that wearing lakhs of young people in India will show how much support Rahul Baba is getting as a future prime minister and a youth icon. He plans to distribute these topis freely to all Indians."
The source also told us that they approached great vampirish look celebrity Simi aunty to wear the cap with quotation "I am Rahul Baba - a youth icon". However, she had some different idea and she also wanted to promote her show. Therefore, she told us to write a quote "I am Rahul Baba - India's most desirable", which Diggyji welcomed.

When DCFC reporter asked the source about the idea behind all these things he said "Many Indians showed their support to Anna Hazare by wearing most precious Gandhian cap. However, Diggyji thought the most useful head for whom the cap could have been wore was Rahul Baba's."

Finally, he told that to promote the entire campaign they selected few and beautiful young female celebrities which also wore those topis in Anna Hazare campaign. We provided some snaps of those celebrities.

"BJP MPs confused with the names Amar and Ahmed," Dada Ram Jethmalani

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

Father of lawyers and a person who has no age barrier for retirement, Mr. Ram Jethmalani (Dada Ram) said that BJP MPs confused with the names Ahmed and Amar. He said "Actually, it was Ahmed Patel of Congress Party who offered cash to BJP MPs, but they mistakenly taken the name of Amar Singh. It is because of resemblance in the name and face. Both look same."

Great intellectual and comic looking Amar Singh (Chacha Amar) looked happy and hold his own fist tightly as a gesture of appreciation. "Amarji pleasantly surprised as Dada Ram gave a big turn-n-twist to the case," one follower of Chacha Amar said.

"This is a very good news after his meet with his big-B and Sanju Baba (no he is not a relative of Rahul Baba, he is Sanjay Dutt). He was very happy when Diggy supported him," said the follower.

"The person who paid the money was not Amar Singh but obviously Ahmed Patel (because same reasons mentioned above)... the notice could only be attributed to parties which wanted to save the government (indirect question why would Amar wants to save government showing his ignorance about Chacha Amar's side businesses)," Dada Ram said in the special court.

"This is a very strange kind of scenario where the entire case is starting on the statement of the accused... statement of the accused is technically no evidence. Nowhere, throughout the camera operation one can find the face or even the voice of Amar Singh, hence there is no prima facie evidence against him (means put Ahmed Patel behind the bars why did you catch Amar? I can't understand)," Dada said.

Chacha Amar outside the court said "I believe in Dadaji. He is a great a great orator and able to confuse intelligent people as well. Even I did not know about his idea otherwise I would have called MPs by using the name of Ahmed Patel. Duniyaa me koi rahe n rahe Dadaji ki waani jaroor rahegi. I also recommend Suresh Bhaai to appoint Dadaji as his lawyer."

When DCFC reporter asked him that Ram Jethmalani even involved L K Advani's name, he said "Actually, there is no resemblance between my face and Advani's face. Plus my intellectual level with Advaniji's does not match. It is exactly matching with Ahmed Bhaaisaab. Even we both look similar if I reduced some of my pot belly and do some hair weaving. (Please look at images given above) Therefore, Dadaji searched a proper face to put all the blames on it."

Some of Dada Ram's achievements given below

Background of Dada Ram

Dada Ram started his career as a professor in Pakistan before partition. He started his own law firm in Karachi with his friend A.K. Brohi who was senior to him by six years. In February 1948, when the riots broke out in Karachi, he fled to India on the advice of his friend Bodhi who later turned to be the Law Minister of Pakistan
Dada Ram first came to spot light with his appearance in the famous K. M. Nanavati vs. State of Maharashtra case in 1959 with Yeshwant Vishnu Chandrachud, later to become Chief Justice of India. His later defence of a string of smugglers in the late 1960s established Jethmalani's image as a 'smuggler's lawyer'. Even back then, he would point out that he was only doing his duty as a lawyer.

1.     Defence of Rajeev Gandhi's killers in Madras High Court in year 2011.

2.     Defense of Indira Gandhi's killers

3.     Harshad Mehta's defense in stock market scam

4.     Ketan Parekh's defense in stock market scam

5.     Underworld don Haji Mastan

6.     Defended death sentence of Afzal Guru

7.     L K Advani's defense in Hawala Scam

8.     Manu Sharma's defense in Jessica Lall murder case

9.     Amit Shah's (Gujarat's former Minister of State for Home) defense in Sohrabuddin fake encounter case.

10.  Amit Jogi's defence (son of Ajit Jogi) in the case of Ramavatar Jaggi murder case.

11.  Kanimozhi's defense in Spectrum 2G case

12.  Y. S. Jaganmohan Reddy's special leave petition on stay for CBI probe on money laundering in his companies.

13.  Yeddyurappa's case on illegal mining scam

14.  AG Perarivalan, T Suthendraraja alias Santhan and Sriharan alias Murugan - convicted in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case.

Now defending Lalit Modi - former IPL Chairman and Commissioner.

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