Published On:Wednesday 16 November 2011

Nivea asks India's most intelligent management guru to endorse its tanning lotion

"I wanted to look darker since my childhood, but I could not find any ways to become darker. Thanks to my aunty who recommended me to use Nivea sunkissed lotion which helped me to convert my white skin into dark. Now I am quite impressed and satisfied. Now I can move everywhere with my glowing black skin, thanks to Nivea and thanks to Arindam," said Jessica Lamps an Aussie model to Aussie Home Shopping Network.

"Many people were watching me showing their jealousy. I was always feeling insecure and guilty for having black skin. But it was not my fault that my birth was in Caribbean islands. Thanks Nivea sunkissed lotion and Arindam to show them best way to become tan and darker," said famous singer Rihanna.

"Even my endorsement of this Nivea's product couldn't get the popularity as much as Arindam's endorsement gave. Actually, Nivea couldn't convince people that I was white earlier and transformed into black," Rihanna said. "But Arindam was a real hero, his images on Nivea sun tan lotion really pulled the consumer attention," she added.

All the TV channels of Australia were showing mindboggling results of rising popularity of Nivea's self tanning lotion, Nivea Sunkissed Lotion.

"This is the perfect product for poor people like us who were cursed by nature to be having white skin," said in a choked voice Jacky Pain.

But what did drive the product to such fabulous popularity in the western world?

"Earlier, the product was not reachable to masses as the message was not perfect plus advertisement was not catchy. But, after we made Arindam our brand ambassador we can't match the demand from the consumers," said Thomas-B.Quass CEO of Beiersdorf AG, Nivea's parent company.

When DCFC reporter asked, how did he identify such a wonderful brand ambassador for his products? Thomas said "Sometime back when I was travelling through Indian roads, I saw a wonderful book on a roadside book stall "Count your chicken before they hatch". I read the entire book it really transformed me into a great and powerful person. The book had a handsome white skin guy called Arindam Chaudhuri. When I searched for more details about him on the internet, to my amazement I saw a beautiful black guy. I immediately called him and fixed an appointment, he also humbly gave me appointment at first instance. When I meet him I like his charming personality and charisma and immediately signed him to endorse our self-tanning products in the western world."
God of the economists and management guru's, the great Arindam Chaudhuri (Arindam uncle) said "It was a great pleasure working with Thomas. I thought of doing some social work for western people by disclosing the secrets of my tanning from white to fair skin." In his brand endorsement, Arindam uncle said that earlier he had complexion like lime but when he used Nivea sunkiss lotion he became fairer.

A spokesperson at IIPM said "This brand endorsement is good for IIPM's global plans. Sir Arindam had pulled crowds from all over India by producing movies. His movies were so much successful that out of 100 students 80 students said that they referred IIPM through Sir Arindam's movies."

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