Published On:Wednesday 3 August 2011

Rahul Baba plans padyatra in Haryana to protest illegal land acquisition by Rajiv Gandhi Trust

Most intelligent leader in the universe (more than alien Jadoo), Digvijay Singh's (Diggy Chacha) beloved Shishya Rahul Gandhi (Rahul Baba) is angry today, according to sources close to Rahul Baba. "Baba had not taken his Kellog's Corn Flakes today morning in spite of Mummy's persistent force," said the source.

When DCFC reporter asked the source, he said "Rahul Baba is worried for farmer situation in Haryana and plans a padyatra to protest against illegal land acquisition and its usage." However, DCFC told the source that it's the state led by the Congress and the scam was happened under the name of Rahul Baba's father. The source said "then what? Rahul Baba doesn't believe in hypocrisy. Diggy Chacha always persisted about it and it was the most important chapter of his lessons to Rahul Baba."

 "Right now Rahul Baba knows only one vision of betterment of farmers, dalits and muslims. He is much focused guy," the source added.
DCFC reporter asked him why was Rahul Baba so angry. He said it was because of media which put any statements to anybody's name. He clarified "Last month media made a statement that Rahul Baba said in UP, Haryana farmers were happy and there are no problems there while he didn't make the statement. Now he is nervous that today in the news papers he saw a big scam coming out of the state about the same land acquisition issue."

When asked him that why didn't he clarify at the same time. He said that Diggy Chacha was quiet visionary at that time and he said Baba that don't say anything future course will allow you to clarify over the matters.
"What was his Mummy's reaction?" when DCFC reporter asked, he said "she said him that don't worry Raul we shall arrange another padyatra."
Quotes in the name of Rahul Baba last month in the UP (?)
Rahul Baba didn't forget to maintain Congress' success story in acquiring lands in Haryana to other farmers (UQ "promised a better deal than Mayawati Government if UP farmers select Congress"). He lauded Haryana Government's land acquisition policy and said "farmers were happy in Haryana and there are no problems there."
"Unlike here, in Haryana there were no dharnas either as the farmers were paid market rates for their land acquired. That is not done here," he said.

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