Devil’s domination: Three Short Stories of regret, stubbornness and conspiracy

Posted by Diggy Chacha | Tuesday 30 August 2011 | Posted in

As Anna event is passing by, people are getting accustomed to normal day-to-day activities. However, few people are glued to the past 12 days of fast. Through their actions their life has changed dramatically. Perception has changed and even people who did not raise their heads and voices started talking about privilege motion against these people. These are three people who have shown different values and different perspective to the life. These three short stories have tremendous amount of mouth violence, action violence, conspiracies, spirituality and many aspects of life. Recently released Three Short Stories (Stories of Regret, Stubbornness and Conspiracy) have three lead actors who proved their strong muscle of acting. The stories have high drama and action.

First Story - Regret

This is a story of a person who after immense amount of struggle became one of the most popular actors. Many popular movies he had done. He took so much struggle that his face added one mark every day. Now hardly there is any space to add struggle mark on the face. On the face of it, the actor was one of the most sensible persons in the Bollywood cinema. He heard a moment about a new struggle, a struggle of a Gandhian who was sitting on the fast. The actor with very good intentions came to meet him to encourage him and to offer his whole hearted support.

However, a twist came here, devil (another important character) took the control of the brain of the actor and started communicating the message. The message was clear the devil wanted to remove all the gods sitting in the parliament and dumps them deep into sea. Devil pointed out their level of education and literacy, their inability to work and asked the many god maker people to take a bottle of wine and rupees offered by these gods for voting and give them to devil and caste the vote to some other guy.

God who said to be full authority of the nation through parliamentarian activities understood devil's intention and filed for privilege motion. Actor who himself was disturbed that how did he allow devil to take control of his brain regretted.

He said "I was very emotional, I didn't know how devil took control of my brain but I regret using those words that may have hurt some sentiments (sentiments of 790 gods). I could have opted for better words... (however, it was devil who choose those words) If I am called I am ready to go before them (Parliament) and clarify," actor said to PTI. The actor demonstrated immense mouth/tongue violence.

Second Story - Story of stubbornness

Another struggler was an IPS turned social activist. She was also a victim of the conspiracy of devil against gods. She showed in her famous ghunghat act that the gods are hypocrates. She used symbolic "ghunghat mask" as a property for delivering the act. Believes in "Actions speak louder than words" she showed a demonstration of action violence in front of a crowd of thousands people.

The gods who saw the act got irritated for treating them hypocrate and filed a privilege motion against the arrogant lady who was dominated by a devil. However, devil has still not left control over her brain.

Devil through her typing by a new mode of communication, called Twitter said "The truth is bitter. It is difficult to take. This is understandable. I am seeing what many are not. Hence, the ghunghat illustration."

Gods said that talking any thing or acting in any kind of way (even violent) are only their rights and a common-man is not allowed. This should not happen again therefore they are taking these steps.

Above two stories is devil's conspiracy against gods. Now next story is god allowed a guy to come out of devil's control.

Third Story - Conspiracy

A sage till date surrounded by devils and under their control got a chance to come out of it. Kapilji Maharaj, heaven residing ugly looking and always irritated but still great sage helped him to broke all the chains of devil put on him. This person was also a great struggler for devils. He worked as a social worker, self-titled Arya Samaj scholar, and a progressive Hindu social activist. He is best known for his work against bonded labour through the Bonded Labour Liberation Front, which he founded in 1981. He was a great supporter of a major conspiracy created against gods which if applies then all liberty, freedom and wealth of politicians (actual gods) and bureaucrats will be vanished.

Great sage, one of the Saptarshis Kapilji Maharaj himself came on the earth to meet this person due to his virtues and morality towards gods in his earlier life. However, Kapilji Maharaj knew that this guy was lost under devil's domination. Steadily by doing some goodness for him Maharaj threw devil out of this person's life. After all the effects got vanished, the guy also confirmed it with Maharaj that the other persons under the dominance of devil became mad elephants and are very stubborn and don't listen to him. However, one devil captured this conversation on a video and circulated on You Tube, an another mode of conversation and sage showed full of dumbness and foolishness that he didn't know if somebody was taking his video. Now it was time for devil dominated society to file a privilege motion against him.

For climax please watch the entire saga on media.

Roles of all actors were good. However, Om Puri who played actor's role was a little bit done some overacting. Kiran Bedi as usual was good as she was in her comfortable role and acted effortlessly.

Most natural was Swami Agnivesh in the role of sage. He was perfectly fit for the role. He was so natural that while he was talking on phone, he easily showed that he didn't know that somebody was taking video.

“It was not Kapil Muni, but Kapilji Maharaj,” Swami Agnivesh

Posted by Diggy Chacha | Sunday 28 August 2011 | Posted in

Swami Agnivesh, who is the biggest celebrity in the You Tube India, credited Kapilji Maharaj for sudden spurt in his popularity. "Yes, I is really a proud feeling plus an increase in responsibility to maintain the same popularity that I gained today," with emotional voice said Swamiji. He added "But its mistake that I first time became celebrity of You Tube India videos. I had an experience. Earlier in May 2011, Mahant Nityanand slapped me which also became very popular. Today, along with my Kapilji Maharaj interaction people are watching my older video as well. However, I would like to point out media's role, which is only focusing on my one video while the other one is totally ignored."

Following is a brief interview of DCFC reporter with a hot celebrity for August 28, 2011, Swami Agnivesh.

DCFC reporter asked Swamijee "Was the other guy Kapil Sibal?" Swamijee humbly replied "No no no. He was my spiritual guru Mr. Kapil Munijee. I was talking with him gently making my stand clear so tomorrow nobody should hold me for any wrongs." "What wrongs? Are you talking about paying back to courtesy of the government for the CBI enquiry for the Naxal attacks in Dantewada earlier this year and the violence against you and your team during their visit to Chhattisgarh in March?"

Watch a detailed interaction between Swamijee and Kapilji

Mahant Nityananda's historic act

"No no no, see my Kapil Munijee says that fast-unto-death was suicidal after 10 days particularly since August 25, 2011. I tried to convince a lot to Anna that don't try to commit suicide but he didn't agree. Therefore, something wrong if was going to happen in front of me I had to take such step," Swamijiee said. "Therefore, I called Kapilji Munijee that he wasn't agreeing and it was just an emotional outburst for his sake only that I called him mad elephant," he clarified.

"However, Kapilji Munijee the name which you are taking had already denied any interaction with you and also added that there is no other Kapil Muni in Haridwaar," asked DCFC reporter. "Oh really! Did he deny? Ok… oh... I forgot it was not Kapil Munijee but Kapilji Maharaj. See don't mistake it with great Kapil Sibaljee h… He was somebody else sits in extreme place of Kashmir, Kailash Manasarovar," Swami Agnivesh said.

DCFC had done some study on Swami Agnivesh's change in behavior over last few days and found out some interesting connections in August only. Please read following timeline.

1.     A conglomerate of academicians, civil rights activists and politicians including veteran Congress leader Ajit Jogi, D Raja from CPI on Tuesday called for starting fresh initiatives to seek a political solution of the vexed problem by bringing CPI (Maoists) on the discussion table. "The initiative should begin at the highest level and for that people like Swami Agnivesh can come very handy," Jogi said at a public meeting called to discuss the Supreme Court judgement on Salwa Judum. Reported on August 3, 2011

2.     The CBI has registered five cases in connection with the Naxal attacks in Dantewada earlier this year and the violence against activist Swami Agnivesh and his team during their visit to Chhattisgarh in March. Reported on August 9, 2011

3.     In an interview to a TV channel, Agnivesh claimed that Team Anna was willing to be "flexible" on the issues of inclusion of the PM and the judiciary provided government agreed to consider other issues like exclusion of lower bureaucracy and the quantum of penalty/punishment for frivolous complaints.

In his TV interview, Agnivesh emphasized what he termed as civil society's "willingness to compromise". He said, "There were allegations that we are adopting a 'take it or leave it' stance on the Lokpal issue and are not willing to look at the positives in the government Bill. To which I said that it is not a correct surmise because we are willing to be flexible on the issue of the PM and the judiciary provided our other concerns are suitably addressed in a transparent and responsible manner."

However, civil society members said there will be no flexibility. "We pointed out to the members that according to the Rajya Sabha rules, there can be no change in the scope and structure of the Bill at this stage," activist Arvind Kejriwal said. "Swami Aginvesh's statement was misinterpreted. We do not have any difference on our stand on Lokpal. The team had categorically stated this position to the Parliamentary Panel yesterday," said Manis Sisodia to Deccan Herald. Swami Agnivesh was present in the Core Committee's meeting held at the residence of Prashant Bhushan, attended by Anna Hazare and others. "Swami Agnivesh is important member of the core committee," asserted the spokesperson. Reported on August 10 and 11, 2011

4.     Mahant Nityanand Das, the chief of a temple near Nadiad who had manhandled Swami Agnivesh during a public meeting of Anna Hazare in Ahmedabad in May, was detained by the Government Railway Police on Tuesday for illegally stopping a train in protest against the arrest of Anna Hazare. Reported on August 17, 2011.

5.     Agnivesh said, "Anna ji has been on a fast for nine days and his health is failing. He should be allowed to be put on a drip." Reported on August 25, 2011.

6.     Swami Agnivesh said Anna Hazare had missed a golden opportunity to end his fast with grace and dignity, Justice Santosh Hegde said it was not democratic to dictate to Parliament.

Agnivesh said a "coterie" was dictating to Hazare and hatred and contempt for the political class had crept in which was unbecoming. "Anna's credibility is being dented. There is a hardening of attitude by a small coterie," he said.

"When we began talks, it was understood that we would lobby only for introduction of the Lokpal bill but that has changed now. I have chosen to disassociate myself from the group because of this," Agnivesh said.

He added that the campaign was increasingly becoming anti-minority and anti-backward classes. "I have spoken to a number of MPs and dalit, OBC and Muslim leaders feel that there is a shrinking of space for them. They feel that this campaign is dictating to Parliament, taking away whatever little space that they have," Agnivesh said.

However, sources said Agnivesh had insisted on being part of the negotiating team and there were reservations that he was a "weak link" within the group. Differences with the core committee on his role led to the Swami distancing himself from the group. Reported on August 27, 2011.

Finally on August 28,
, Team Anna member Kiran Bedi alleged that Agnivesh has been caught on
camera, where he is asking a person after addressing him as "Kapil",
"Maharaj aap inko itna kyu de rahe hai(Maharaj, why are you giving them so
much?). "Who's Maharaj? Whether it is Kapil Sibal on the other side? He
said Sibal sahab, I heard that," she said. Bedi accused Agnivesh of being
absolutely unethical. The core Anna Team and Agnivesh had developed differences
during the course of Hazare's fast. Bedi told a news agency, that the footage
has "shocked us all and, we are very uncomfortable" with it.
"Only he can answer this. He should own it or reject. However, it leaves
no doubt. It obviously tells us of what happened. He should tell us, who the
person is and who did he mentioned in this," she added.

Finally silence broke; “My way of protest is most democratic than Anna’s,” Rahul Baba

Posted by Diggy Chacha | Friday 26 August 2011 | Posted in

"I am not Amul Baby (popularly known as). I can also speak independently as my beloved Guru Diggy Chacha taught me. I have my independent views as well," Rahul Baba thrashed on critics such as DCFC reporters. He asserted that Lokpal Act (? we thought it was Bill) alone will not help eradicate corruption (then what can we do?), and appeared to disapprove of Anna Hazare's fast, saying "individual dictates" (padyatra is better way of expressing protest against government) must not weaken democratic process as dangerous precedents could be set.

Agreeing that "corruption is pervasive" which operates at "every level" (thanks), Mr. Gandhi said in the Lok Sabha that a set of effective laws along with creation of a statutory institution of Lokpal like the Election Commission (?) would be required to fight the malaise. Pronobda said yes and threw his hand on bench while Manji kept his expressionless face as it is.

"We cannot wish away corruption by the mere desire to see it removed from our lives (why?). This requires a comprehensive framework of action and a concerted political programme supported by all levels of the State from the highest to the lowest (What does that mean?). Most importantly, it requires firm political will (Was that a taunt to UPA government?)," he said during Zero Hour, amid noisy protests from NDA members.

Referring to the anti—corruption campaign of Anna Hazare, Mr. Gandhi said it has "helped the people to articulate" disillusionment (about what UPA's inability to stop corruption) and that he "thanks him for that" (great, so Anna helped him understand his government's serious mistakes).

At the same time, the Congress leader said, "individual dictates, no matter how well-intentioned, must not weaken the democratic process....A tactical incursion, divorced from the machinery of an elected government that seeks to undo the checks and balances created to protect the supremacy of Parliament sets a dangerous precedent for a democracy." (Ha ha ha… it seems mirchi lagi Rahul Baba ko).

Recently, Rahul Baba denied the undemocratic act of fast in UP and protested in a most democratic way of protest and that was padyatra (or foot march). Padyatra also helped him solving digestion problem. Doctor Chikambarangam, Chennai said "Foot march for 1-2 hours is good for digestion also it gives you good amount of energy and more the better. However, fast is not good for stomach it increases the gas problems and also makes feeling guilty to your opposition."

"Today, the proposed law is against corruption. Tomorrow, the target may be something less universally heralded (yea yea, Anna is planning for another agitation for the Right-to-recall MPs and MLAs). It may attack the plurality of our society and democracy (However, Baba you can't ignore the unity that the protest created. Is it out of fear of that unity?)," Baba warned in the House, as his sister Priyanka Gandhi watched from the visitors' gallery.

According to sources, Anna's previous day's speech which included his next target will be to help farmers was Rahul Baba's area of work which made him so furious.

"Witnessing the events of the last few days, it would appear that the enactment of a single bill will usher in a corruption—free society. I have serious doubts about this belief (must be his personal views)," he said, adding an effective Lokpal "is only one element in the legal framework to combat corruption (What are those? Are you going to submit those ideas to government)."

He maintained that "Lokpal institution alone cannot be a substitute for a comprehensive anti—corruption code. A set of effective laws is required (same statement)."

SibalNama Series Episode - 11: A. Raja hits back adds his friend’s name to summon list

Posted by Diggy Chacha | Thursday 25 August 2011 | Posted in

Famous inventor of "Zero Loss Theory", a person with always irritated looks and looks like always ready to fight, hero of our 2G scam related Series Kapil Sibal (Sibal uncle) is involved by his old friend A. Raja (Raja) in the case. South Indian hero look-a-like Raja asked court to call government's three field marshals Manmohanji, Chidduji and Sibal uncle.

Inclusion of Sibal uncle's name suggests a beginning of the new rivalry between two best friends some time back. Sibal uncle just up to few months back was trying to build a serious consensus for Raja to get the bail. He got support from biggies like Diggy, Salmaan Bhaai Khurshid and even Manji who said that his jail hampers foreign investments in India. However, a slip of tongue of Raja who was totally ignorant about the outside world activities named Manji and Chidduji. Now it was time for uncle to choose out of Manji and Chidduji for which he sacrificed his friendship.

In last episode we show you how princess of Tamil Nadu, Kanimozhi (Kani aunty) told court that it was the conspiracy between Raja, Chidduji and Manji while she has no involvement, indicating that now Raja has nobody on his side even not DMK (i.e., Dr. M Karunanidhi, doctorate in politics).

Furious Raja through his honest lawyer Mr. Sushil Kumar told a Delhi court that he would get the PM (Manji), the then finance minister Chidambaram (Chiddu uncle) and present Telecom minister Kapil Sibal (Sibal uncle) summoned as witnesses to prove the government did not incur any loss in the 2G spectrum allocation.

Advocate Sushil Kumar, who appeared for Kanimozhi on Tuesday, had suggested that the court examined Raja as a witness to prove that there were no real losses as a result of the 2G spectrum allocation. On Wednesday, Kumar - now appearing for Raja - told the special CBI court of O P Saini: "Aaj main bata dena chahta hu ki main Prime Minister, tabke Finance Minister or vartman ke Telecom Minister ko bator gawah banaunga (Today, I want to state that I would get the PM, the then Finance minister, and the present Telecom minister summoned as witnesses)."

Sources said Sibal uncle after hearing Raja's statement told his personal secretary "Nonsense, that's why I tell you without any benefit don't give help. This guy is using my stupid theory in the court now. Both these, Raja and Chiddu made my life hell. It was better to be a lawyer in the court rather than joining politics. Now how much work would I do? One, that Telecom trash has to solve, then Anna's fast for which Pranabda require my advice and now this Raja."

Rest of the episode covered Raja's arguments that our media is a schizophrenic and it had created the case against him. "The application filed by Subramanian Swamy (Janta Party chief) was entirely based on reports of an English daily," Raja said. He said the petition moved by the Centre for public interest litigation was also based on media reports.

Sushil Kumar sought to put the CBI's accusation that Raja had caused loss to rest by asking why the other companies, who were involved, were not on trial. Kumar said Raja was paying the price of not keeping the big players in the sector happy.

He said the CBI had failed to establish a motive behind his client's actions: "...The CBI has nothing to show as to what motive or reward I had for granting UAS licence to Unitech...So far as Reliance Telecom Ltd and its three officials are concerned, no material has been brought on record," Raja said through his counsel Kumar.

“Whhoaat Inflation? Ask Chiddu, I am negotiator now,” Pronobda

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

Just few days back, India's most important asset, expert in crisis management and only one person whom government relies a lot, Finance Minister who is famous for quotes "Aosk Chidomboram about Anna, I am an economist", Pranab Mukherjee (Pronobda) said "Whhoaat Inflation? Ask Chiddu, I am negotiator now."

When DCFC reporter asked Pronobda about ever increasing inflation as food inflation reached 9.8% for week ended August 13, he said "No no no babba, it wos not my fault. Inflation never increased becose of me, it wos because of Subba, oh soarry not becose of him it wos becose of Obama. Right nou wee have much serios problem (smiling) to tell Onna to stop fost and you ore asking me such an idiot question, ask it to Chiddu n… I am negotiator nou."

What happened in CCPA meeting before the meeting with Team Anna?

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

Before the historic meet in Delhi yesterday wherein Pronobda denied any sympathy towards Anna Hazare, the Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs (CCPA) conducted a meeting to make a road-map to derive a plan for dealing with Team Anna.

Sources provided some information about exactly what happened in the meeting.

PM Manmohan Singh (Manji): Madamji, when are you coming back to India. I will give my chair to Rahul Baba and will settle to Frankfurt.

Sibal Uncle: No ways, Rahul Baba is right now under Diggy's training. Till the time the road becomes peaceful you should not leave the post.

Pronobda: Oakay, wee sholl coame back to the main topic. What sholl wee do to Onna Hozore?

Chiddu Uncle: What shall be done? Don't listen to him. After sometime he will shut his mouth.

Manji: But I am in favor of PM under the ambit of Lokpal

Pronobda: Whhoat? Noaa, you should noat decide n babah…you just listen to us n baba…Shorod ji what can we do?

Sharadji: What to do? I am fade up of that guy everytime wherever I go he just follow me as like Hutch (now-a-days Vodafone) network.

Pronobda: Ho ho ho… Ok babaa.. Krishnaji whoat is your view?

SM Krishna: What can I tell you? You decide I will accept.

Pronobda: Noa Krishnaji, you have to tell os what to do. Otherwoise, John Lockpoll Bill peeple will say that wee are not behaving democratically.

SM Krishna: Bot (forgetting his original accent) I am just an Oxternol Offairs minister. Woatever you decide.

Pronobda stared him with anger as Krishna was imitating him.

Krishna Appa: Sorry Pronobda!

When Pronobda stared at Dinesh Trivedi, Railway minister, Trivedi ji said no no… I haven't done anything and I haven't copied you.

When Pronobda said that he wants to know his views, he said "I am new to the field, yet to start actual work."

Finally looking at other people, Pronobda asked Sibal Uncle "Sibol, yo tell me whhot to do babaa?"

Sibal Uncle: See after 2G scam Chiddu and Manji are most vulnerable leaders with us today. Everyday Kanimozhi, Raja and Balwa make some statements. If effective Lokpal Bill comes then it will hardly save them. We can save PM by saying that PM can't be brought under Lokpal, I don't know what will happen to Chiddu.

Chiddu Uncle: No, No, No. Please Sibbal ji you have to do something and stop this emotional atyaachar on all of us.

Sibal Uncle: Don't worry Chiddu! I told you till I have my life I will save you as like till Anna has his life he will try to save Lokpal.

Pronobda: Chidu, Don't worry babaa.. I will tell them that John Lockpoll bill is a dream and wee will tell them that overything wos decided in oll porty meeting.

Chiddu Uncle: Thank you

Manji: Madamji, where are you? When will you come back?

List of CCPA members

Prime Minister, Shri Manmohan Singh.

Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Minister of Finance.

Shri Sharad Pawar,  Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Food Processing Industries.

Shri A.K. Antony, Minister of Defence.

Shri P. Chidambaram, Minister of Home Affairs.

Shri S.M. Krishna, Minister of External Affairs.

Dr. Farooq Abdullah, Minister of New and Renewable Energy.

Shri Kapil Sibal, Minister of Human Resource Development and Minister of Communications and Information Technology.

Shri M.K. Alagiri, Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers.

Shri Dinesh Trivedi, Minister of Railways.

Sticking to the path of “Three Wise Monkeys”

Posted by Diggy Chacha | Wednesday 24 August 2011 | Posted in

India's most dominating
personality, expert in crisis management and only one person whom government
relies a lot, Finance Minister who is famous for quotes "Aosk Chidomboram,
I am economist", Pranab Mukherjee (Pronobda) said "Government believes
a poth of Three Woise Monkeys, showed by Mahatma Gandhiji and it will stick to
it," when DCFC reporter asked him 
why the talks with Team
Anna failed.

He said "We believe not to
hear any evil, not to see any evil and not to speak any evil. We are very
honest and humble people. The government is full of coarageous and intelligent

Team Anna's demand of Jan Lokpal
Bill to be taken to Parliament directly for discussion

Pronobda's reply in terms of
hear-no-evil was "Wee have forst time heard whhot John Lockpoll Bill was.
Wee asked opposition porties to make a bill togather and they agreed. Wee don't
know who is Anna Hazare, wee know our constitution told us whhot to hear and
that only wee are listening."

Pronobda's reply in terms of
see-no-evil was "Wee don't see televisions those aore bad for eyes. Also
media peeple make fun off us. Therefore, wee don't know whhot is happening in
Romlila Maidon. And indefinite fost is oncoanstitutional and evil. Wee follow
Gandhiji's poth of see-no-evil."

reply in terms of speak-no-evil was "Speaking ogainst coanstitution is
speaking evil. John Lockpoll Bill supporters speak against coanstitution and
wee don't agree. They woant us to allow Lockpoll to monitor MPs and stop
corroption for which oll porties ore not ready."

SibalNama Series Episode - 10: Raja searching for shelter as Kani aunty said Chiddu, Manji and Raja were involved

Posted by Diggy Chacha | Tuesday 23 August 2011 | Posted in

Finally, a major shocker came in the SibalNama, DMK seems to put its support from handsome and Tamil hero look-a-like A. Raja as his close associate and DMK supremo Karunanidhi's (black goggles fame "inna venkatesaa") daughter Kanimozhi (Kani aunty) that the prime minister Manuji and the then finance minister P. Chidambaram (Chiddu uncle) were fully aware of the 2G license allocations and had decided with the now jailed telecom minister A. Raja not to auction these. She said that she had nothing to do with entire saga. She was as innocent as Suresh Kalmadi is.

Her lawyer, Mr. Sushil Kumar said that Kani is thankful to Diggy Chacha who was first to acclaim that she was innocent and ask Press media to press for her bail to Court.

She reiterated the historic "Zero Loss theory" theory of Kapil Sibal (Sibal uncle). Kani aunty's counsel said "The (three) are good enough as witnesses to prove that there was no loss. They are on record in parliament that the government did not incur any loss." However, he made a no-comments on whether Court had taken Sibal uncle's theory as scientific or opportunist.

Pleading that the case against Kanimozhi be discharged, the defending counsel said: "The CBI case is based on the premise that the accused caused huge loss to the state exchequer by not auctioning licences for the 2G spectrum. The moment the loss factor goes out, how can the investigative agency impose charges of cheating on my client?"

Sushil Kumar also trashed the computation of the loss by the CBI and the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), claiming these to be "just notional losses", something that could not be the basis for prosecution. However, he kept mum that why that notional loss was there, was the government announced subsidy/charity program for telecom companies to gave licenses at such great prices.

"The CAG report (putting the losses at Rs 1.76 lakh crore to the state exchequer) was laid before the Lok Sabha Nov 16, 2010," Sushil Kumar argued. "It had not been adopted by the house. It is still in limbo as the house is yet to adopt the report." In the absence of parliamentary acceptance, the report lacked evidence value, he said.

According to sources, Chiddu uncle immediately called Sibal uncle expressing his concerns after Kani aunty's charges. However, Sibal uncle kept him quiet and told him focus on home ministry and Anna Hazare rather than worrying on small small scam related things.

“Don’t ask me nonsense. I am economist,” said Pranabda

Posted by Diggy Chacha | Monday 22 August 2011 | Posted in

India's finance minister Pranab Mukherjee (Pranabda) recently said "If you have any questions relating to economy ask me but if you have queries on Anna, ask the home minister."

Therefore, DCFC which is also a no-nonsensical organization as like ideologies of Diggy Chacha and Pranabda thought to have a brief interaction with him and ask some economy related questions.

Question1: When will inflation get reduce?

Pranabda: How would I know? It's a global phenomenon. RBI is taking all the efforts. I only recommended Subba Rao for that position. So if you have any questions relating to economy ask me but if you have queries on inflation, ask the RBI governor.

Question2: Shall India come back to 9% growth rate trajectory?

Pranabda: Growth is an important part to contain inflation. (Smiling and said) It is my theory and I have already applied for copyrights. And current slow growth of India is just because of notorious Europe and US economies. So if you have any questions relating to economy ask me but if you have queries on growth, ask the European Presidents and Barack Obama.

Question3: Global economies are in turmoil. What is your view?

Pranabda: What view do you want? See India is less dependent on international trade. We shall maintain our growth rates and inflation (ha ha ha at 9% levels) so there is no concern for India (again ha ha ha). So if you have any questions relating to economy ask me but if you have queries on global economic turmoil, ask the central bank governors of each nation.

Question4: What about the reforms in India? Why don't you expedite retail and other reform process?

Pranabda: Again you are asking such a stupid question. See reform bills are stalled by opposition parties by not supporting us in Parliament and creating chaos. So if you have any questions relating to economy ask me but if you have queries on reforms, ask the opposition party leaders.

Question5: Do you think recent agitation against corruption by Anna will lead to slowdown in India?

Pranabda: Kapil Sibal is extra intelligent and honest person with super brain power along with Salman Khurshid who himself knows a Super power in the world are handling the situation. So if you have any questions relating to economy ask me but if you have queries on Anna, ask the home minister, Sibal and Khurshid.

“In search of a limelight” Arundhati Roy’s new book in process

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

"I am most beautiful and most intelligent girl on the earth, so why the hell everybody is watching Anna Hazare? This is anti-social, anti-humane and anti-secular ideology to show an old man 24 hours on TV. I will complain against all the news channels to Ambika aunty," India's most intellectual lady (sorry girl, Lady Arundhati) said.

"How can people watch an old man with notorious ideas for 24 hours while some people who are so intelligent and creative wisdom are ignored totally? I know this is biggest scam in making as Anna must have paid lakhs of crores of money to gather such an unbelievable crowd," Lady Arundhati added.

A lady close to Arundhati said "Arundhati auntyji was very furious about all these things. She kept saying in the home that nobody listens to me nobody these days cover my stories."

One social activist said that Arundhati's brain is as precious as Suresh Kalmadi's and deserve to be researched. "We plan to apply to government to start research work on it."

Lady said "Arundhati aunty have started writing a book for that deprived breed of intellectuals which were ignored by society and always thirsted for limelight. She thinks somebody has to cover these innocent and beautiful people." She added that aunty also fixed up the name as "In search of Limelight…"

When DCFC reporter asked Arundhati about the new book she confirmed it. She said "People who always compel for a small amount of popularity and do a lot of social activities and charity if deprive of some limelight who will explain their heart break." "Anna Hazare like people come on the floor and destroy all the dreams of their lives. I thought of showing a sad story of one beautiful and most intelligent lady whose dreams shattered when an old man wastes all the efforts of her life and becomes nation's most popular person," Arundhati said with tearful eyes.

When reporter enquired her whether she would like to take this issue to government and protest for this deprived section of intelligent people. She said "Yea, I would love to do that but I don't have experience of fast-unto-death process. I will protest through an editorial column."

“What the heck! I am Gandhian. How can I defame anybody,” Diggy Chacha

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

A local court in Mumbai directed the city police to investigate a defamation case filed by BJP leader Kirit Somaiya (these days not available for ordinary people and comes once in a while when stock markets show erratic behavior) against most intelligent creature in the universe Digvijay Singh (Diggy Chacha).

"Immediate response can be only one. How is it possible that great Gandhian and guru of Rahul Baba will do such thing," one supporter of Diggy Chacha said on Somaiya's complaint in November last year against Chacha for making "blatantly false, frivolous and defamatory" remarks against him.

"Chacha is always true. He never speaks lie. If he says something, he gives proofs after sometime (generally a very long time," Diggy Chacha's supporter added.

The BJP leader had sought for the court to direct the police to register a case and probe the matter. "The magistrate accepted our arguments and directed the police to investigate the matter and submit a report on November 14," Somaiya's lawyer Dinanath Tiwari told PTI.

According to the lawyer, soon after the Adarsh Housing society scam came to light and BJP had sought explanation from the Congress party, Chacha had made certain remarks against Somaiya and called him a "broker of the share bazaar and a scamster". Sources said that even Stock market brokers plan to march against Chacha as he called them Kirit Somaiya. While regarding the interesting title "scamster" which even some Congress Party MPs and MLAs with it's alliance's MPs are demonstrating, Diggy Chacha's esteemed organization Diggy Chacha Private Intelligence Bureau is collecting the facts.

"However, as like Parliamentary process takes time, investigating process also takes its due course of time. Somaiya should have been waited for the process to be completed. It is totally unconstitutional and we protest against him," Diggy Chacha's supporter said.

Somaiya in his complaint before the court stated that the statements made by Singh were widely reported in newspapers and channels and lowered his reputation (?) in the eyes of the public (which public?). "The false and baseless charges made by Singh amounts to defamation and has caused Somaiya considerable distress and embarrassment," Tiwari said.

Nandan, you too? A story of the turning brain continues…

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

Isn't it great to see a corporate honcho famous for
lectures on social responsibilities and corruption showed drastic changes in
his persona. India may see one such corporate honcho joining politics may be
through back doors of Rajya Sabha. Only few days back, Ms Aruna Roy's brain
turn due to ego and her closeness to government and Madamji. Now its Mr. Nandan
Nilekani who has made a 360 degree turn. So turning brains are not solely
related to politicians but intellectuals like you and Aruna aunty are also

In an interview to a leading daily in India, Nilekani said that the
Lokpal Bill was not a “magic bullet” that would eliminate corruption in the
country. It could, at best, serve as one of several measures needed to tackle
corruption in a holistic manner.

“I am not a great believer (?) that if you pass a law, corruption will miraculously vanish.

(Then what do you think Nandan, do you really have any independent mind
now, or did you lose while working with the government?)
 Nor do I think that creating a huge army of policemen will reduce
 (So you do also think
that Anna's Jan Lokpal Bill is creating police Raj.)
 You have to go back and look at the systems. (When did you go back and look at the system. The
entire crusade is working on it since over last 40 years. System had not
changed till date and India against corruption asking it to change boss. Do you
realize that?)
 I have spent 30-35
years working on how to make large systems work
 (clearly that means Infosys and other IT
organizations, but Boss, Anna spent whole of his life with common man and
farmers. He never seat in AC cabins and gave lectures on how to reduce
corruption as like you are giving)
. You have to fundamentally analyse and
improve the systems themselves…
stabilizers? after how many years the problem will automatically eradicated)
 This (Lokpal law) is just one of the many many things that we need to
 (What are the other
things? Please tell us when did you find those other things? Plus when is your
employer (government) is going to implement the law? because your Employer is
not giving any timeline to India's common man. And boss if you know other
important things then why don’t you list them out and give it to the
government. You are talking just like Diggy Chacha making claims without
 I don’t think that it
(Lokpal) is the only thing we should be doing
 (Who said you boss that this is the only thing?
Many things are planned but this is the first thing is for sure. Anna is
planning for crusade over Right to recall of MPs and MLAs. Boss, you stay over
there by giving critical opinions in an AC room and discussing about India’s
fate. Boss, its actions speak louder than words. Ask your mentor Mr. Narayan
Murthy what does he think about Anna Hazare and his movement.)
,” Nilekani, one of
the founders of Infosys, said.
“I fully endorse the
fact that they want to address the problem of corruption but I think they
should look at it in a much more strategic holistic manner and not by just
passing a law
 (so what do you mean?
Is passing a law is all futile exercise)
. This is absolutely
 (how many dimensions
you want? Why do you look so unclear? Why didn't you give your suggestions to
civil society and government, earlier? You seem to be much more uni-dimensional
focused on UID project only, suddenly what kind of realization happened in your
mind, which gave you such wonderful ideas.)
,” he said.

Efforts to undermine supremacy of Parliament and elected representatives
in legislative matters were “extremely dangerous and completely wrong
 (boss, Parliament is made for people and by people.
Parliamentarians are not kings to behave autocratically. And every law has to
change with time and systemic failures. It is really unfortunate that you are
saying this which we believed that always open for changes.)
”, Nilekani said.

“I certainly would argue vehemently against it. I think we must give
credit to them (MPs) and let them make a law (again a joke. Did you read the
draft of government's lokpal bill and jan lokpal bill)
. And I have complete
faith that they would come to a right decision
 (yea fine, but we Indian people don't have faith in
them because after 64 years of independence we are not getting the most
required law only person like you can trust)
,” he said. Nilekani
said he would be happy to sit down with Team Anna and help in finding possible
 (Wow, what kind of
solutions you have got from those respected MPs, at least show some thought
independence don't become a puppet)

“My advice, (Just like Aruna Roy,
who was sitting idle in NAC cabin till date. Now, you also woke up for giving
advises. Why didn’t you do that earlier? Did you try to prepare 4th
 version of Lokpal Bill?) to them would be two-fold. Specifically on the Lokpal Bill, I will tell
them please make all your arguments to the standing committee
 (where Lalu Yadav and Amar Singh are members. What
happened to your general knowledge? Both had faced accusations of scams)
 which is the appropriate authority for this (how would you say a committee under government
will be an appropriate authority to bring the best law against corruption)
. Let them debate it
in Parliament and let them come up with a law and then abide by the law
 (yea, that’s fine and we think this is what exactly
you wanted to say. But boss, this already we heard from the MPs and by the way
after UID many people had question that what did you going to do. They must
have got the answers. When are you going to get elected for Rajya Sabha?)

“And the broader thing would be that if you really want to address
corruption, it is a very multi-dimensional mosaic of things
 (What are those? Can you elaborate, please?). When you look at
all the issues, you will find that the Lokpal Bill addresses just five per cent
of the problem
 (Boss, when did you
make this survey? We thought you were focused on UID project only or was it the
side business? or must be few MPs from government might have told you)

“Let’s not try to look for a solution by creating more and more complex
laws and creating parallel bureaucracies, a super-powerful guy and expect him
to be honest, and creating thousands of inspectors. And also think that this is
some magic bullet that will solve all your problems. There is no quick-fix.
This requires hard work...,
 (unfortunately, it's
Nandan who is talking all these things. Mr. Nilekani, at least you could have
supported something worthwhile happening in India. Everybody became united;
everybody came on the roads and wants to express their desire to get best law.
If people knew that Jan Lokpal Bill would have created a dictator they would
have been the first to oppose but people want their representative to monitor
but not toothless as like government wants. Boss Nandan, this is a battle
between representatives of people and people and not between government and
” he said.

Nilekani said the Lokpal might not even be a very effective instrument
to fight corruption. “You don’t fix problems by creating more layers of
inspection. You fix problems by actually looking at the root causes,” he said.
 (Boss, go and look at the root causes. We don’t
have time as we already spent 64 years. And change the minds of people
yourself. Don’t seat in your chamber come on the street and tell everybody
don’t give bribe and don’t take bribe.)

A project like giving identity numbers to everyone would, on the other
hand, go a long way to bring in transparency, and make the delivery of public
services more streamlined and accessible.
 (Boss let the project come on the floor but we want
our representatives to be monitored by somebody who is authoritative and can
ask question.)

“These things are fundamentally related to changing the relationship of
the individual in terms of the public delivery he gets. And that is the kind of
reform that we need today to really fix some of these larger issues,” he said.
 (Yea now you can promote your own efforts). It's unfortunate
Nandan really.

When DCFC asked one of the sources of Congress Party for seeing one of
the India's best brains turns 360 degree he said "the government had very
much pleased with Nandan's efforts over UID project and last year asked him
after the project he can find better scientific and technological ways to
eradicate corruption. However, Anna took the first mover advantage."

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