Diggy Chacha dreams formation of United India Subcontinent

Posted by Diggy Chacha | Sunday 31 July 2011 | Posted in

Showing that the claims of DCFC are not misleading that Digvijay Singh (Diggy Chacha) is the most intelligent leader in the Universe (more intelligent than Jadoo), offered a proposal for peace and prosperity of India and other neighboring countries.

Famous for strange and illogical (at least at prima facie) statements, Diggy Chacha expressed his desire to have a European Union-like association of nations in the Indian subcontinent. This time he didn't just talk but also showed that he walks what he talks and asked the government to extend Pakistan's fattest singer Adnan Sami (no relations with SIMI) stay in India and should be allowed to taste India's honor (please read Great Gandhian Diggy Chacha supports Adnan Sami).  

"We should try and form such a society which is free from bitterness and anguish and where people can move freely, breaking man-made boundaries and joining the hearts of people separated through partition together," Singh said at the release of a book on partition here.

He also appreciated India's move which welcome's Bangladeshi people anytime and he told that on the basis of Bangladeshi initiative he would like to allow Pakistani people to break man-made boundaries and move freely and join the hearts.

However, as usual BJP leaders didn't keep quiet on Diggy Chacha's intelligent statements. One senior leader said "this must be ahead of UP elections. He wants to impress Muslims." Diggy Chacha replied "How rubbish! On one hand, I am asking Indian people to forget bitterness and on the other hand BJP kind of political parties are still involved in communalism. That's why I always Congress is the only secular party in India. And as far as UP elections are concerned, Rahul Baba alone is handling those issues very carefully and intelligently so that I can think bigger and talks on larger levels."

With his tearful eyes showing a tremendous impact of Gandhiji on his career, he said "If such nations in Europe who kept fighting for years can get and work together to form a European Union, why can''t we do that. I wish I see that in my lifetime".

Lamenting the violence that took place during partition, the Congress leader said, "Relations of thousands of years were broken in a few days. The biggest challenge before us is how to bring such relations together once again. DCFC reporter asked "whether Diggy Chacha wants to visit Pakistan to say similar thing to Pakistani people and the government." One Congress spokesperson said "Pakistan always confirmed that there is no bitterness from their side and they always welcome peace and prosperity. They were never indulged into any violence. Mr. Gilani always time to time said that India also could not discover any proof. Therefore, Diggy Chacha wants us to end bitterness and this is an indication for RSS as well who is not very friendly with Pakistani people."

The spokesperson further said that Pakistan already initiated the process by sending Hina Rabbani Khar. SM Krishna (Krishna Uncle) was happy with the conversation and discussion and therefore Diggy Chacha plans to payback by extending Sami's visit.

Showing his discontentment towards some unnamed (readers know very well) terror organizations, he said that "as long as the proponents of violence and hate mongerers (means a particular community) live and enjoy the protection of the political class as well as the media, we will continue to face challenges." When DCFC reporter seek a clarification "Are mongerers RSS and is political class BJP?" Diggy Chacha said "I don't point out at any particular community. Right now I have proofs but I will disclose them at a proper time. However, I want to make it clear that Saffron Terror is more dangerous than any other terror."

While talking Rahul Baba's Guru cried a lot and said it was painful to hear the sad stories of families who were divided during partition.

"It pained to learn that brothers were divided during partition and close family members could not get together even during happy or sad occasions, in the absence of visas."

Great Gandhian Diggy Chacha supports Adnan Sami

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

Most intelligent person in the Universe, Rahul Baba's Guru and the most required person in India (to make fun of), Congress general secretary Digvijay Singh (Diggy Chacha) met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (Manuji, we made a small change from Manji to Manuji) and sought his intervention to enable Pakistani singer Adnan Sami (Nitinji look-a-like Fat Singer) to stay longer in the country. However, he didn't disclose that how much will be the exact time line for his stay in India.

"I met the Prime Minister on the issue. I support the fat singer from Pakistan and have requested the Prime Minister to allow him an extension for staying further in India. He is a good singer and has a lot of fan following in this country. He wants to stay in this country, He should be allowed to stay here", Diggy Chacha said.

Pakistani singer community welcomed Diggy Chacha's move. One new talent said "Chacha can also come to Pakistan for 3 days 4 night's holiday." One popular singer said "We also plan to surprise Chacha by offering an extension of 2 days." BJP, an arch rival of Diggy Chacha said Diggy should be sent to Pakistan in exchange of that fat singer.

Chacha said the Manuji and P Chidambaram (Chiddu Uncle) have assured him of their support in the case of Sami. However, when DCFC reporter asked him when will Pakistan become so much liberal and humble towards Indian artistes? He said "it's not the question whether Pakistan is humble or not but our tradition knows welcome guests and allow them to stay as long as they want. Even this is Congress' tradition as well. See we allow Bangladeshis to stay in India and we are very careful that they should stay longer." He further added "Rahul Gandhi (Rahul Baba) has already made it clear that India is already 99% in control of any terrorism and violence and now only 1% is remaining which comes from Hindu terror organizations like RSS and VHP so there is no need to bar anybody from Pakistan. Even I am in favor of giving Pakistani people voting rights in India so they can select most eligible leaders who will strengthen the knot with Pakistan."

Diggy Chacha remained emotional in entire conversation and said "I already made it clear that we should try and form Europe like society which is free from bitterness and anguish and where people can move freely, breaking man-made boundaries and joining the hearts of people separated through partition together and this is a first initiative towards such formation of society. Even I feel that we should send our Himesh Reshmiya (a guy with Silky hair and rock hard voice) who has become very popular after his song Aashiq banaya aapne."

DCFC reporter asked Chacha "But In December 2010, the Enforcement Directorate confiscated properties of Sami (fat singer from Pakistan) for acquiring assets allegedly without the permission of Reserve Bank of India as he was a Pakistani national." Chacha said within no fraction of time "don't worry that's also on my radar. I suggest our government besides voting rights Pakistani people should be allowed to buy properties in India. This will tighten our knot."

Quotes and Misquotes of Diggy Chacha by Media

Posted by Diggy Chacha | Friday 29 July 2011 | Posted in

Our beloved and the most intelligent leader in the universe (more intelligent than Jadoo), Digvijay Singh (Diggy Chacha) is famous for his witty statements. He does not only recognize the timeliness of a particular statement but also understand when importance fades how to back it out by blaming media. It's really our good fortune that Diggy Chacha is an Indian (though he thinks himself as Universal) and always giving us tuitions. The greatness of Diggy Chacha does not end here. He always forgave his worst enemy as well (search Diggy Chacha forgives facebook). However, having greatness inside makes you vulnerable in front of media. Media always conspired against him and always misrepresented him and his statements to earn some bucks. We shall take you through a history as how media created havoc against our beloved and most intelligent leader in the universe, Diggy Chacha. DCFC will regularly update our readers with every new developments.

On Osama 
"Osama ji had been living in Pakistan for so many years, how is it possible that the Pakistani authorities could not locate him."
"Osamajii should have been given respectable burrial!!"

"Absolutely yes, thanks to media. What I can do when the media did not understand my sarcasm (ha-ha-ha funny) regarding Osama (where is "ji" now) found near the Pakistan military academy?" Singh told reporters seeking to put the record straight on his remarks at a public meeting at Varanasi.

On Anna Hazare
Diggy Chacha warned Anna Hazare against his proposed fast from August 16. "Anna saheb says he will again sit on fast. If he does so, he may get the same treatment as the other (Baba Ramdev) got recently."

"I am surprised and pained at reports in today's newspapers which quoted me as saying that the treatment given to Ramdev would also be meted out to Anna Hazare," Diggy Chacha said.

On Rahul Baba as PM
"I think it is time that Rahul can become the Prime Minister," Diggy Chacha said.
"Rahul is now 40 and he has been working for the party for the last seven to eight years," Chacha said.
The scion of Gandhi family had the right qualities, instincts and experience to take up the mantle of the prime minister-ship now, Diggy Chacha said.

Diggy Chacha denied the suggestion that he wanted the incumbent to make way for Rahul. "No, no I am not saying that because there is no vacancy and Dr Manmohan Singh is doing a fairly good job, why should he be replaced."

On Mumbai Terror Attacks and RSS

Diggy Chacha said, "I do not rule out anything. If they want evidence about Sangh's involvement in terror activity, I have got evidence. But not in this case." But the Opposition has lambasted the Congress General Secretary's rhetoric calling it "playing politics over terror and dead bodies".


He in his apparent u-turn said, "In the aftermath of the Mumbai blasts, I had said that the possibility of any group's involvement cannot be ruled out. But I had not taken the name of RSS. I have been misquoted."

SibalNama Episode-6 - Sibal Uncle firm on his support to Chiddu Uncle

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

As confirmed from the Congress insider who attended the party after the approval of Government's draft of Lokpal Bill by Cabinet, inventor of Zero Loss theory, hero of our SibalNama and a turning brain of Congress Party Kapil Sibal (Sibal Uncle) confirmed his support to India's home minister and famous for his removal from finance ministry P Chidambaram (Chiddu Uncle). (Please read: http://diggychacha.blogspot.com/2011/07/for-some-time-we-felt-that-we-passed.html)


Sibal Uncle is popular for making statements with many evidences and calculations (most of the time miscalculations only). Recently, after Southern movie hero look-a-like great A Raja's statements that call Chiddu in front of court to answer his questions, Sibal Uncle told that his evidences don't have any significance in the court. However, former Telecom Secretary Siddhartha Behura claimed that over a December, 2007 meeting held regarding entry fees for 2G licences, in which he had said the then Finance Minister Chiddu Uncle and former Finance Secretary D Subbarao (currently RBI Governor, famous for Rupee symbol and to stun markets and investors by increasing rates more than expected) were present.


"We have looked into records. The records show that there was no such meeting. Neither Chidduji (now Union Home Minister) nor Subbarao (Subbuji) remember (?) any such meeting," Sibal Uncle said.


Rubbishing Behura's claims he said, "It is surprising that the then telecom secretary (Behura), who joined (Department of Telecom) on January 1, 2008, is referring to a meeting of December 4, 2007, when he had no personal knowledge of the meeting and has not produced any document to support veracity of his submission."


As per the Congress insider, Sibal Uncle already assured Chiddu Uncle not to be worried and he (Sibal Uncle) will handle everybody.


However, in the meantime, a new character has entered in SibalNama. India's ex-finance minister and famous as a Rollback Minister Mr. Yashwant Sinha (Yash Chacha) wants Chiddu Uncle to be summoned before the joint parliamentary committee (JPC) on telecom.


The serial has become interesting as most of the characters have turned their statements and brains by almost 360 degrees. More and more suspense has been created about the next episodes. 

Diggy Chacha takes 360 degree turn

Posted by Diggy Chacha | Thursday 28 July 2011 | Posted in

Showing the 360 degree turn of his statement, Most intelligent persons on earth (blessed by Jadoo of "Koi Mil Gayaa") and Rahul Baba's Guru (though he humbly denies it) Congress General Secretary Digvijay Singh (Diggy Chacha) maintained he had never asked for looking into the role of Hindu organisations in connection with the Mumbai serial blasts. Diggy Chacha is famous as a person whom Media always misquotes. One of his supporters said, "that is because Diggy Chacha's popularity. Every word that comes from his mouth becomes an essay for any reporter. Every word and sentence has tremendous importance." The supporter also enlightened us, "Chacha is very media shy. He hardly talks anything and anything that is nonsense. Therefore, media uses his name to make the article popular."


One of the supporters of Sonia Gandhi (Madamji) supported these claims. He said, "Madamji knows the media's conspiracy against Diggy Chacha and therefore she doesn't give any important to such articles." 6428FHZPXHZH


Diggy Chacha proving his claims that he was misrepresented, he said, "I had only said that the role of all organizations (between the lines - excluding RSS, VHP and Bajrang Dal) should be looked into in connection with the Mumbai blasts and I had never used the term Hindu outfits." As usual Diggy Chacha confused us. 6428FHZPXHZH


Singh observed he had only said what the Union Home Minister P Chidambaram (Chiddu Uncle) had stated regarding the Mumbai blasts. Our between the lines analysis proves by this statement as Chiddu Uncle never said that he suspects RSS or any Hindu outfits in the attack. 6428FHZPXHZH


Dismissing media reports, the former Madhya Pradesh chief minister, who has often courted controversies, said there was not a single 'byte' on any news channel which could show him using the term Hindu organisations in connection with the 13/7 blasts. Great Chiddu Uncle we got another very precious lesson from you i.e., How to turn around in 360 degree.

“Who said my brain stopped working 4-5 years ago,” Suresh Kalmadi

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

Bullshitting all the rumors, Diggy Chacha's beloved brother and an innocent kid Suresh Kalmadi (Suru Uncle) asked reporters "Who the hell said my brain is not working? I am perfectly alright and as intelligent as I was 4-5 years back. Even today I can take responsibilities for many things." Suru Uncle said "After his Tihar jail release, I would like to try taking Olympic to India. That's my dream and I will fulfill that. Therefore, I urge my supporters and more than 75% of Indian nationals who like me and consider me as their inspiration to avoid believing such rumors. I came to doctor for a normal check-up."

Suru Uncle also said thanks to Diggy Chacha who said Suru is his brother and innocent. Suru Uncle said "I really thankful to Diggyji who always supported me as like his brother. I read the news in the jail and felt a lot of confident. I have high regards for him."

When asked him again on Dementia he said "My mind, my brain is all okay and I don't have Ghajini kind of disease. Media had wrongly published about it. Five years ago I had undergone an operation of the heart valve. Whatever the problem is, it is of the heart and nothing else... My mind, my brain is all ok."

"I remember everything and there should be no doubt about it. Whatever problem is... is regarding my heart. A lot of treatment is being done for that," Suru Uncle said giving an emotional touch to entire conversation.

He had earlier undergone an MRI scan on 19 July at Lok Narayan Jai Prakash Hospital where the tests revealed that he was suffering from dementia which gradually affects cognitive functions of the person affected by it.

The test results stated in medical jargon, "diffused cerebral atrophy with old ischemic changes in brain parenchyma with calcified granuloma in caudothalamic groove on left side (of his brain)".

Kalmadi was today accompanied by Tihar Jail authorities as he went for the health check-up at AIIMS. He claimed all reports stating that he was suffering from dementia were wrong and it was the conspiracy against him to downgrade his status.

“For some time we felt that we passed a Jokpal Bill”

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

Home Minister P Chidambaram (Chiddu Uncle) and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (Manji) gave thumbs down to Tamil hero look-a-like the great A. Raja who conspired against them for 2G scam.

Manji gave a great sigh of relief and thanked to Madamji as she helped him in the crisis period in which he always had nightmares of Anna Hazare. Madamji told Manji "I also had nightmares Manji that if Jan Lokpal Bill will be passed then what will happen to our beloved Raul Baba. He is the only hope for India." Chiddu Uncle also congratulated Manji and expected all the supports for his current crisis period where Raja gives different statements about him.

However, Kapil Sibal (Sibal Uncle) said "Don't worry Chiddu. I am there to support you. It was my efforts only that our government showed that it is very serious about Lokpal Bill than Indian Civil Society members first asking them to join panel for the draft and afterwards I only enlightened people that Jan Lokpal Bill is against democracy. See the effect. Now you don't worry about Raja mein uskaa band baajaa dekho kaise bajaata hu… ha ha ha…"

One Congress insider said "party after approval of the Lokpal Bill draft was so much cheerful that some time we felt that we passed a Jokpal Bill".

Yeddy Appa happy with Cabinet’s approval of Lokpal Bil, plans to join Congress Party

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

Karnataka political circle is becoming hot by a rumor that Karnataka chief minister BS Yeddyurappa (Yeddy Appa) plans to join Congress Party to strengthen its position in the state. It is said that Appa himself has chosen to sacrifice his CM's post and will join Congress ASAP. Appa was very pleased to see Congress' stand over Lokpal Bill. He made the announcement to his supporters after the news came that Cabinet approved the Lokpal Bill draft which will exclude MPs, Judiciary System and PM.

One of his supporter said "Appa will be most happy if Congress gives him responsibility to work at national levels." The supporter said that at state level Appa feels Lokayukta is much stronger than the Lokpal so at least he would be allowed to work more freely for Indian people and there will be no restrictions like Lokayukta. Appa called Madamji and told he is ready to forget all issues with S.M. Krishna and will be eager to work with him in the External Affairs Ministry. Even he is ready for taking challenge to visit Pakistan if Krishna feels difficult and insecure. However, Congress insiders said Krishna Uncle is not very eager to share his position.

A source said that Madamji was very happy with Yeddy Appa's gesture of calling immediately after Cabinet's approval to the bill and asking his support. She said Appa that she will talk to the Party panel and will tell him accordingly. Appa's supporter said that P. Chidambaram (Chiddu Uncle), Kapil Sibal (Sibal Uncle) and Manmohan Singh are safe in spite of claims of corruption made by Raja against them. And the Cabinet approved Lokpal Bill will provide them safe hand to stay and to offer the services for some more time. Appa liked the idea and he offered his hand as well.

“I paid God huge money, nobody dares to tell me to resign,” Yeddy Appa

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

Ignoring the BJP parliamentary board's demand to resign from his post Karnataka chief minister BS Yeddyurappa (Yeddy Appa) said to his supporters "Don't worry, I have paid huge bribe to Tirupati's Balaji since 2009. I visited the temple for 7 times. I know God is with me and he will not let me go from the post. Besides that I have bought new Fevicol as well and I have attached myself to CM's chair. I am not going to go. Forget Ananth, Eshwarappa, Shettar and Gowda, nobody stands in front of me."

There is a rumor that Pidilite Industries, makers of Fevicol has offered huge amount to promote their brand. A formal letter from the company will release in next few days announcing Yeddy Appa as their brand ambassador. Appa's son said that it was the proud feeling for us to attach to such a big brand. An official of Pidilite Industries without disclosing his name said "we always tried to bring the best models for promoting our brand "Fevicol". In our view, currently the best person to promote Fevicol is Yeddy Appa only. And we are grateful that he is joining us. A formal announcement will be coming soon."

One of the Pandits in Tirupati Temple said "We had sent a formal proposal to government of India to count the wealth of our temple." With a big smile on his face he said "We are sure that our wealth is much more than Kerala's Padmanabhaswamy Temple's wealth. It was our honor that Yeddy Appa considered Tirupati to visit 7 times. And it was his donation and contribution which helped us to send a formal proposal to the government of India."

BJP started moving fast after Lokayukta's report. BJP spokesperson Ravishankar Prasad said that the party has decided that it was time for a change in the Karnataka BJP leadership. He also said that Arun Jaitley and Rajnath Singh will go to Bangalore on Friday to choose an alternative leader. However, one BJP leader requesting his name no to be disclosed said "Party leaders were furious on Appa as he ate more than Rs16000Cr. However, he spent all the money in Tirupati temple and buying land for himself without giving anything to BJP." "Every senior leader was upset. He told them in earlier meetings that the scam was very small scale," he added.

SibalNama Episode-5 – “The Turning Brains”

Posted by Diggy Chacha | Wednesday 27 July 2011 | Posted in

SibalNama is going through major twists and turns. Delhi's Tihar jail and political circles are watching the episode of turning brains. The serial is almost moving 360 degrees just like Sibal Uncle's attitude. Southern movies hero look-a-like the great A. Raja has made a 360 degree turn again. In 3 days he made a circular round for 2nd time. First Raja said PM Manmohan Singh (Manji) and HM P. Chidambaram (Chiddu Uncle) were aware of everything happening in telecom. However, after fear of Sibal Uncle and strong Congressmen (or may be because of weak DMK people) he made a "U" Turn and said it was media who put every word in my mouth and I didn't say anything. However, he made another "U" Turn by saying if I am here for dereliction of duty, then the PM should also be here" for "error of judgment" in issuance of licences. He also submitted that Chidambaram "is bound to appear as a witness".

When DCFC contacted a senior leader of the Congress Party "he said we are really confused of the Raja's statements. Even we are getting trouble to maintain the pace at a rate he is turning his statements." The leader added "Even Madamji was asking Manji whether Raja is more flexible in terms of turning statements than our respected leaders like Sibal, Salman Bhaai and Diggy Chacha." He said "just 2-3 days back we gave him support and asked for Supreme Court reforms to release him and now he is talking all these crap. Both Sibalji and Salman Bhaai are under depression and Diggy Chacha is not talking anything to anybody."

However, things were not always easy in SibalNama. Salman Khurshid (Salman Bhaai) who just a 10 days back said that SC reforms were required to let innocent Raja and Kanimozhi to be released from jail. He also advocated for media reforms and rules for media to cover only scams of BJP and other opposition parties.

Virtually dismissing Raja's arguments in the 2G case, Salman Bhaai said it was for the court to decide whether there is "any substance" in what the former telecom minister''s counsel has submitted to the court. Wow Salman Bhaai, you only said that court should improve its process otherwise challenged to make the court reforms just to release Raja, Kanimozhi and other corporate honchos, now you are saying that court has its own process and it will decide. Even A. Raja, Kalmadi and Sibal Uncle will feel embarrassed by looking at your "turning brain" capacity.

Turning brains of Indian politics

We are showing our readers, India's turning brains. Though, currently our list is limited we have placed few measures which will add many more politicians to this list. So please keep updated.

Turning Brain
2 days 3 times
Sibal Uncle
2 days 2 times
Salman Bhaai
10 days 2 times
Diggy Chacha*
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
*No gauge has been created in this world to map Diggy Chacha's turning brain

Salman Bhaai tried to show that there is no importance to Raja's statement by saying "you do know, when lawyers appear for someone, they look for anything possible to help their own clients. It is not always that thought is given to what will happen to some other person who is named in this manner."

At the same time, the minister said that it was for the court to consider "whether there is any substance" in what Raja's counsel has said.

“I am innocent,” said Chiddu Uncle

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

Confirming the statement of Zero Loss Theory inventor, India's pride and hero of our SibalNama, Mr. Kapil Sibal (Sibal Uncle), India's Home Minister Mr. P. Chidambaram (Chiddu Uncle) said "I am innocent, I did nothing wrong." "I am clear like Kaveri river," he said with an emotional touch.

Chiddu Uncle said that the only issue that he and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (Manji) examined was if new telecom licensees, Swan and Unitech, were selling stake in their respective firms, or diluting shares through issue of fresh equity. "It was just like a usual clerical job, which we always like to do," he added.

He said the Telecom Ministry consistently wanted the entry fee to remain at 2001 levels, but the Finance Ministry always favored the auction route. For a change I decided to oppose the telecom ministry's decision otherwise it was not my cup-of-tea, Madamji only gave me the job to seat and sign the check for various ministries. However, my opposition unfortunately could not come to the public as you know the government's press agencies are so slow.

Chiddu Uncle was replying to the great Raja's allegations that Chidambaram, in his capacity as finance minister in UPA-I, had told the prime minister that dilution of shares by 2G licensees to attract FDI did not amount to their sale.

"They (Swan Telecom and Unitech) were inducting foreign partners or new partners. They had got spectrum and they had (telecom) licenses. They were now inducting new partners. It was so simple like this but I don't understand why he is bringing all these issues,'' Chidambaram said.

“Manji is a symbol of honesty, purity and justice, Anna is narrow-minded,” Manish Tiwari

Posted by Diggy Chacha | Tuesday 26 July 2011 | Posted in

Congress' weekly mouthpiece and a proud student of Diggy Chacha School of Thoughts, Manish Tiwari (Tiwari Uncle) termed Anna Hazare with a myopic vision (myopic means short sighted or narrow minded). Besides as a duty, he also attacked his own colleague from his party, revolutionary and visionary Mani Shankar Aiyar describing him as loose cannon.

Speaking to reporters in Pune, Tiwari Uncle said, "He (Anna) has a myopic vision (?). I believe that Lokpal is not an issue. He should not forget that the P B Sawant commission has slammed him and his trust. There can't be double standards on morals."

Tiwari Uncle said, "Mani Shankar Aiyyar is a senior politician and unfortunately has a reputation of being a loose canon on the deck of Indian politics. His comments were unwanted and uncalled for." Aiyar had recently called Congress party a 'circus'.

When DCFC reporter contacted a senior leader of Congress Party, he said "What was wrong in Manish' statement? Anna is really a short-sighted guy. How can I forget that the Congress's highly visionary people (e.g. Salman Khurshid, Kapil Sibal, etc.) interacted with him, still he kept reiterating his demands for Jan Lokpal Bill. How can he make such an undemocratic demand to bring Prime Minister under Lokpal Bill? Even we didn't like his demands to bring MLAs, MPs and bureaucrats of Congress led states under Lokpal and Lokayukta ambit."

About P B Sawant report he said so what the report is age-old, if that says Anna has done any crime then it's correct.

About Mani Shankar Aiyyar, the senior leader said I agree the party was circus when the kinds of people like Mani Shankar Aiyyar were leading it. However, Madamji had taken some deliberate efforts to remove the circus tag by removing strange creatures and jokers like Mani Shankar Aiyyar, Gurudas Kamat. Now it is a party of intelligent people such as Diggy, Kapil Sibal, Chidduji, Salman Bhaai and many more. Diggyji is trying to add few more young candidates like Rahul Baba and Manish Tiwari to the force so that party will not face shortage of the talent.

Tiwari Uncle was in the city to deliver a lecture at the Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies at Khadki on the topic "Issues involved in Jan Lokpal Bill." However, the senior leader kept a mum that why Tiwari Uncle was talking about Mani Shankar Aiyyar in Symbiosis. Few anti-social elements asked Symbiosis that why they called such an opaque person. (Oops…)

Tiwari Uncle said, "Whatever A Raja is speaking is in the capacity of an accused and not as a minister. He is undergoing a court case and it is not right to comment on the statement made by an accused. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is a symbol of honesty, purity and justice and one should not make (in other words…no one dare to make) false comments on a person of his stature. Too much credence should not be given to arguments in the court of law and we should not vitiate the democratic process." Wow… Tiwari Uncle Manji would be glad and Madamji will promise you a ministry in next elections.

Nitinji on expansion drive; announced support for Telengana but no date promised

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

Showing its eagerness to expand the territories, strong player of fat politics and president of BJP Nitin Gadkari (Nitinji) announced his full support for the Telengana issue in Andhra Pradesh. The support have come a little bit late as Sushma Swaraj (Sushma Aunty) had already made promise that BJP will give Telengana if the party comes to power by 2014 elections (central or state? or both?). A Congress spokesperson commented "If BJP leader is commenting about state elections then it is a distant dream as BJP had won only 2 seats in 2009 elections." He added "BJP is almost non-existent in Andhra Pradesh. I feel that BJP should not incur so much of money on the campaigning for Andhra Pradesh. Voters will not vote them."

However, Nitinji's (most ignored person in the politics, according to Sibal Uncle) made it clear that the party will still support the Telengana issue without making any commitment regarding dates.  

Nitinji said: "Our party is in full support of the demand for the creation of Telangana state. We are with the people of Telangana. It is a commitment of BJP to form a separate state of Telangana."

He added: "We will raise the issue in parliament and take it on forcefully. Whenever (?) the BJP comes to power, we will ensure Telangana is formed." One supporter of Sushma Aunty said that Nitinji lacks courage and confidence to tell on what dates. It is really very ambiguous of saying whenever we come to power. What is this? Advaniji should take note of this.

Recalling the expertise and experience in breaking the states, Nitinji said "Congress is responsible for the present situation. They have betrayed the people of Telangana. We (BJP) formed three states when Atal Bihari Vajpayee was prime minister," he said, referring to the formation of Uttarakhand, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh. DCFC columnist Kapi Sibbu said "It looks like asking an engineering project by L&T based on its wide experience. We are good in breaking states so please allow us to break your state as well. Pathetic…"

At last in emotional words Nitinji said "They (Congress) only placed a bad example of how to play with people's lives. So many have died so many committed suicide and law and order is in a bad state. The policies of the Congress are to be blamed for this; they have divided the people of Andhra Pradesh."

DCFC was waiting to the replies of Diggy Chacha (busy in UP elections) and Sibal Uncle (busy in save Raja campaign). However, both these guys think it's better to ignore Nitinji.

“Gadkari shut your mouth,” says Sibal Uncle

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

"It is better for him (Gadkari) to not speak, because when he does, he exposes himself. It is not good for him, for his party or the nation," furious Kapil Sibal (Sibal Uncle) told reporters. He suggested Gadkariji to take advice from Arun Jaitley or some other lawyer. However, he didn't mention on what subject Nitinji should go to Jaitley Uncle for advice. Hmmm…

Background of the entire conversation was Nitinji demanded the resignation of Dr Manmohan Singh (Manji) and the Home Minister, Mr P. Chidambaram (Chiddu Uncle), based on great A. Raja's remarks in court.

Sibal Uncle did not deny that the Prime Minister was aware of the dilution of equity by Unitech and Swan. "Yes, the Prime Minister knew that it was dilution of equity," by way of issuing new shares and there was no divestment of promoters' equity. However, opposition was not happy with the answer. One leader said how it matters, whether it was expansion or contraction or retention of equity. Only valuations matter. The government allotted licenses at a dearth cheap valuations while these companies showed what exactly the market valuations are, a big slap to the government's face. He added Sibal Uncle is becoming confused and don't understand what to say what not just like Diggy. Saving the face of Raja is the only objective they have.

As usual, Sibal Uncle placed the ball in BJP's court by recalling their sins. He also slammed the BJP for not taking any action against the Karnataka Chief Minister, Mr B.S. Yeddyruppa, who faces several allegations of corruption.

"My response is not to blame the BJP but to show that its conduct is much worse than ours (so you agree that your conduct is worse, may be a little bit lesser than BJP… ha… ha…)," said Sibal Uncle. However, one Congress Senior Leader denied the allegations of Sibal Uncle on his own party that the government's conduct is worse. He said "Sibalji is tired as he was working through the night referring all the law books to prove that Manji and Chidduji are innocent." "He is quite frustrated," he added.

Finally, Sibal Uncle sent a brahmastra on BJP by saying we show by setting examples. He said "So many of our Ministers have been removed – Mr Shashi Tharoor, Mr Dayanidhi Maran, Mr A. Raja – ask them (BJP) have they removed anybody?"

SibalNama Episode-4 – “Raja feared of Sibal Uncle says did not seek to implicate PM and FM”

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

In a previous episode of SibalNama, we saw A Raja unaware of his friend's consistent efforts made a big mischief. He told Manmohan Singh (Manji) and P Chidambaram (Chidduji) were aware of the issue of 2G licenses. However, it created a lot of problems for Sibal Uncle who was in charge of save Raja campaign. Senior leaders of Congress Party, like Pronobda and Veer appaji both made harsh statements on Raja. However, Sibal Uncle came in front of everybody to save Raja as like Krishna saved Draupudi. Sibal Uncle said whatever A Raja said cannot be considered as evidence without directly accusing A Raja.

One Congress insider said that even Sibal Uncle was not aware that nobody informed Raja that Uncle is trying to get the bail for him and trying to give him a justice. The insider said that they both had a real friendship just like Jai and Veeru in Sholay. He added "Veeru is right now trying to save Jai from the media's (Gabbar) bomb attack."

Overnight Raja got a call from a close associate of Sibal Uncle who helped him understand the entire situation and how Sibal Uncle is trying to save him. Insider said "Raja was stunned and asked forgiveness from his best friend. He told out of illusion otherwise he wouldn't have made such stupid statement." Raja assured Sibal Uncle that morning before brushing his teeth and eating edli sambaar he will make a "U" Turn from his earlier statement.

Keeping his words, A Raja on Tuesday told a court he had made an "error of judgment" in granting of 2G licences when he was the communications minister and alleged his trial was "highly unfair". Raja's lawyer Sushil Kumar told the special Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court that any human being is entitled to make an error.

A day after he dragged in Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and home minister P Chidambaram into the 2G spectrum scam, Raja clarified that he did not intend to frame anyone.

"Main kisi ko phasana nahi chahta tha (I had no intention of framing anyone)," Raja's lawyer said on his behalf when the names of Manji and Chidduji were taken in the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) special court presided over by judge OP Saini.

2G Case - Twists and Turns

He also said Raja's statement was misrepresented by the media. Kumar, however, wanted Chidduji to testify as a witness in the 2G case.

Reiterating Salman Bhaai, Sibal Uncle and Diggy Chacha's view, he termed his judicial custody as illegal detention and sought "forthwith release". The rumor across the street is Raja is going to announce a "fast-unto-death" before even Anna Hazare if the Court does not grant him a bail. The news is not yet confirmed by any authenticate source.
Raja has joined the list of politicians who are not happy with the representation of Media. "I did not seek to implicate the Prime Minister and the then Finance Minister in 2G case," senior advocate Sushil Kumar, counsel for Raja, told Special CBI Judge O.P. Saini.

The DMK leader squarely blamed the media for his alleged accusations against the Prime Minister and the then Finance Minister, saying 'they (media) cannot put words in my mouth. Ask them to report truthfully or go out of the court room'.

SibalNama Episode-3 – “Raja is the only chor and Chiddu and Manji are innocent”

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

On one side, Sibal Uncle was totally devoted to the save Raja campaign, the great A Raja on other side unaware of the campaign submitted before a CBI court that "whatever I did, I did in the presence of the Prime Minister and Finance Minister... Kis government ne kaha ki humen chuna lagaya?"

"I had many meetings with the PM while allocating spectrum," Raja added. "Media reports about the issuance of new licences were discussed by both the PM and FM."

The sale of equity by accused companies Unitech Wireless and Swan Telecom to Uninor and Etisalat respectively was approved by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and then Finance Minister P Chidambaram, senior counsel Sushil Kumar said. "The then Finance Minister who is now Home Minister had said before the Prime Minister that dilution of shares to attract FDI does not amount to sale of 2G licence as per the corporate law... Let the Prime Minister deny this... Kis government ne kaha humen chuna lagaya? (special sentence, please try google translation)"

Raja challenged everybody in a very confident and clear voice. He said "Make me a special prosecutor, ukhaad kar laonga saare ministers ko (special sentence, please try google translation). Imprison all of them... Pramod Mahajan, Arun Shourie, Maran... all followed the policy of no spectrum. Historical facts do not permit you to auction. I was just following the 2003 Cabinet decision that is not to auction 2G spectrum. It's a policy choice, the government can earn money, it can lose money," reported his Lawyer Sushil Kumar.

Keeping his loyalty towards his esteemed clients Unitech and Etisalat-DB, Raja asked why action had been only taken against Swan Telecom and Unitech Wireless, Raja implicated Tata Teleservices, saying it had also sold its shares.

"Unitech sold 67% equity for (only) Rs6,120Cr whereas Tata Teleservices got (whopping) Rs13,973Cr by selling only 27% equity (lucky Tata and unfortunate Unitech and therefore A Raja). Why was Ratan Tata not accused by the CBI?"

"Why are you picking only two... Let the CBI prosecute the man (Tata) who actually diluted the stake worth Rs14Cr (wow). The only sin of DB Realty and Unitech is that they have got good contacts and brought money from abroad (say thanks to DB and Unitech for bringing huge FDI)," he said.

However, Raja's statement hurt the entire premise of Sibal Uncle's save Raja campaign which was gaining popularity and all the Congressmen supported Manji and Chiddu Uncle in a uniform voice. Pride of corporate and dumped by lawyers, Corporate Affairs Minister Veer appaji said "The accused will always try to make claims to defend himself (?) and save his skin. There is nothing special in that." However, many reporters at that event tried to understand the contradiction as just before a day, Sibal Uncle was trying to save the skin of the same person. He also provided inside information which was unknown to everybody that the claims are a matter of evidence and the court will decide.

Always on a visit (all visits except visits related to his finance portfolio), Mr. Pranab Mukherjee said that former telecom minister A. Raja's statement on Monday suggesting that the Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, and the then finance minister, P. Chidambaram, were aware of all decisions related to the allocation of 2G spectrum to interested parties, and that he alone could not be prosecuted in the so-called telecom scam, could not be treated as evidence. "The matter is being agitated in the court; it is for the court to decide," he reiterated words of Veer appaji.

Finally, Sibal Uncle came into picture with lots of evidences and proofs to support Manji and Chidduji. However, his voice was full of disappointment looking at the results of his over 7 month efforts for save Raja campaign. Uncle's close associate said that Uncle follows only one principal i.e., duty comes first and emotional attachment later. Uncle, however, avoiding direct aggression against A Raja blamed on NDA government and its policies.

In no time after the news that Raja made statements against PM and HM, Sibal Uncle in a statement refuted claims made by Raja in his submissions made before the special court stating that the sale of equity in telecom companies Swan and Unitech was in the knowledge of both the Prime Minister as well as the then Finance Minister Chidambaram. Sibal said what had happened in case of Swan and Unitech was not sale of equity but "issuance of additional equity".

"In any case, this issue has nothing to do either with the grant of (2G spectrum) licences or the pricing of spectrum," he said.

Blaming totally on NDA government, Uncle said "To clarify further, it may be stated that infusion of additional equity was the accepted policy framework approved by the NDA government (again NDA government), in spite of the then prevailing lock-in period of five years during which the licensee could not transfer the licence. Even the lock-in period of five years was done away with in 2003 by the NDA government. This means that the licensee could transfer and sell his licence to a third party without restriction, immediately upon the grant of licence."

Uncle said it was the UPA government that re-introduced a lock-in period, that of three years, in 2009. "However, it did not prevent the licensee company or holding company to seek infusion of additional equity by third parties. This was done both in the case of Swan and Unitech. The Finance Ministry was of the opinion that neither of these cases involved any divestment but dilution of equity. Hence the transactions were legal," he said.

Uncle also claimed at the time when the licences were granted, the first-come-first-served policy of the NDA government was in place. "The irregularities if any are with reference to the implementation of the first-come-first-served policy," he said.

SibalNama Episode-2 – “Court Reforms are required to release 2G scam culprits,” Salman Khurshid enters in the serial, Helpless Sibal Uncle due to Media, Court and CBI

Posted by Diggy Chacha | | Posted in

After the invention of revolutionary "Zero Loss theory" and the lack of acceptance by the so called anti-social elements, our hero Sibal Uncle despite his old age did not keep quiet and tried to get support for his save Raja campaign from his own party. Most intelligent creature in the Universe Digvijay Singh (Diggy Chacha) and Salman Khurshid (Salman Bhaai) openly supported him. While Diggy Chacha said that cases where charge sheet has been filed the accused must gait bail. However, he didn't maintain anybody's name. Salman Bhaai was more aggressive. He asked for Court reforms so that people who bear the brunt from 2G Scam would get some bail relief.

Bhaai Tales


Salman Bhaai urged the Supreme Court to speak in one voice and reform in the direction of consistency, an oblique suggestion that the high-profile individuals arrested in the 2G spectrum scandal and other corruption cases deserve to get bail. Bhaai traced back to 1986 to prove his point (wow) and pointed to the precedent of the judiciary giving bail to industrialist Lalit Mohan Thapar in 1986. "I can't say all those judges were wrong, starting from Krishna Iyer. Lalit Mohan Thapar was given bail at the judge's residence. Indirectly, he indicated that judges should work from home if the scale is such as 2G scam.


He said now you may not like it but the point remains that that was the law of the land. That you must go the extra mile to ensure that the person does not suffer before you are able to finally, institutionally condemn him. This is not my view but the view of the Supreme Court. However, he didn't tell the reason why did he take so much efforts to trace back to 1986 judgment.


The judges can change their mind and there is nothing wrong with it. But my question is: Is it the position of the court or is it one of the positions it has taken?" Members of Parliament A Raja, Kanimozhi and Suresh Kalmadi, as well as top executives of companies, are in jail facing corruption charges, unable to secure bail, leading many to observe that the courts are parsimonious with granting bail. However, Bhaai neither said anything on the Court and CBI's remarks that the culprits could destroy the evidences nor took a guarantee that they will not destroy.


Bhaai blamed everything on media and said the relentless media attention and pressure could have played a part in courts denying bail to those accused of involvement in corruption scandals. He added "Media pressure is very great and not every judge can withstand media pressure. Forget a judge, not any minister can withstand media pressure." Bhaai, it was media because of what A. Raja is in Jail and not in his 5-Star kind of Bungalow.


Bhaai admitted the government's shortcomings, but said the judiciary, too, has failings it must correct. "They must have their own internal norms and codes which allow for a greater reflection of a collective opinion rather than an opinion of one or two benches," he said. One opposition leader said "Bhaai thinks himself as a judge who is superior to Supreme Court Judge."

Helpless Sibal Uncle due to Media, Court and CBI L


Sibal Uncle's save Raja campaign also received an unexpected support from opposition leader, Jaswant Singh (who knows to oppose BJP to show intellectual difference between him and other BJP leaders). "I personally feel... I am not a jurist/lawyer either by training or by preference. There are too many lawyers in Parliament. I feel that if somebody has been charged and that charge is not of a heinous nature like robbery, murder or any such thing and when trial is on, then that somebody should not be kept in the prison because you can't permanently deny bail. Bail by itself is a citizen's right unless he is charged with such a crime that it must not be permitted," he said.


Our hero of SibalNama, Sibal Uncle entered in this episode quite a late as he was engaged in collecting proofs. However, he came with a bang and said "We are in a slump, there is no doubt. And we are in a slump because of several factors, most of all, perception. People perceive this as a sector that is a source of corruption and in the context of the court cases going on. And, in the context of the fact that we have no decision on the 122 licenses that are still in a limbo. Banks are worried to lend to these telecom operators (he didn't name the operators?) without knowing what will be the fate of all these licenses. So it is a combination of all these factors that has led to a negative perception. (But) in the long term, it is a sector which will deliver (ha… ha…).


He also gave some emotional touch when a question was asked about what will happen to promoters of Unitech and Swan (now Etisalat-DB). "We have to consider all these issues. After all there are consumers on those networks. So what happens to them? With mobile number portability they can go to other networks, but there is also the issue of investments. So what happens to those investments? Should we auction spectrum again? Will we get the kind of price we got in 2007-08 (DCFC Note - why not boss if you said that the sector will deliver then you will also get prices, please don't copy Diggy Chacha kind of statements J), we don't know? The market reacts to an existing situation. People talk about 3G prices, but if we were to auction 3G again, will we get the same price? It is very difficult to assess what will happen," he said


Finally, Sibal Uncle gave his view on the Court's functioning and the denial of bail to Raja, Kanimozhi and their other associates (it does not include world's most beautiful woman "Maria Susairaj" who spent most important 3 years of her career in jail.. sob… sob…).


He said "You see what happens in situations like this we all get carried away by public opinion. And the function of the judge is always to rise above public opinion. Otherwise the rule of law is unsafe. Now we leave it to the judiciary because a very delicate constitutional balance that is part of our constitutional framework should not be disturbed. So my worry is that on occasions we seem to be overreaching and institutions have to be careful about it. I am seeing democracy being hurt very badly. I don't want to blame anybody. I think the executive has not only underperformed, but there are issues of corruption we have to deal with. I think the legislature has also underperformed - we are seeing the paralysis in legislative functioning, which is an anathema to growth. We are seeing a judiciary that is overperforming.


And we are seeing a media that is entirely irresponsible. I think it is the duty of the media to bring to book those who commit crimes, but that must be based on hard evidence. The generalization that occurs based on specific instances is very harmful to India's perception within as well as abroad. I have the greatest respect for the media and I will stand up at any time to fight for its independence, but independence cannot be misunderstood for recklessness. Independence comes with a certain responsibility. We say the judiciary is independent, but the more independent you are, the more responsible you have to be. The media somehow has not struck a balance between independence and responsibility, which is the hallmark of true independence. This is a problem. More so, the electronic media, and not so much the print media.


Finally agreeing the fearful situation for the government, Sibal Uncle said "Everybody is fearful. Nobody wants to get involved with the CBI. You cannot run an industry under threat of Tihar jail. No economy can flourish. (There is) this clamour... that every ministry is corrupt, every minister is corrupt, every institution is corrupt. If you have this kind of clamour continuing, you cannot have economic growth. Which sector will grow?"

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